Tag: Endangered Species Act (ESA)

On the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act, Channel Islands plant species declared fully recovered

VENTURA — Two plants that live on California’s Channel Islands and nowhere else on earth – the Santa Cruz Island Dudleya and island bedstraw – have been declared fully recovered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Servicedue to the collaborative efforts of conservation partners and no longer require Endangered Species Act protections. The delisting of the two species arrives as the Endangered Species Act celebrates 50 years of conservation in 2023. 

Today’s successful recovery of two plants adds to the list of species that have now successfully recovered on the islands, including the island fox, peregrine falcon, bald eagle, California brown pelican, and island night lizard. Recently, the Service also announced the delisting of five species on San Clemente Island: San Clemente Island paintbrush, lotus, larkspur and bush-mallow plants and San Clemente Bell’s sparrow. 

“Today we celebrate the flourishing return of two plant species to the Channel Islands

Two Channel Islands plant species reach recovery thanks to Endangered Species Act protections

Two plants that live on California’s Channel Islands and nowhere else on earth – the Santa Cruz Island dudleya and island bedstraw – have reached recovery thanks to Endangered Species Act (ESA) protections. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is proposing to remove the two island plants from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Plants.  

“The recovery of these island plants is the result of long-term cooperation and conservation efforts by scientists and land managers,” said Paul Souza, director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Pacific Southwest Region. “That’s what the ESA can bring to the table – attention, resources, and incentive for sustained conservation work that produces meaningful results.”