Tag: Desiree Caldera

Two CSUCI students who won a Lisagor Fellowship Award believe research skills will serve them throughout their lives

Whether a student decides to conduct research in psychology, biology, computer science or another field, that student will always benefit from learning the research process itself.

That’s according to Professor Emeritus of Nutrition and Food Science Terri Lisagor, Ed.D., who—along with her husband Mark Lisagor, D.D.S.—created a fellowship for undergraduate researchers in the CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) Summer Undergraduate Research Fellows (SURF) program.

… “Having the opportunity to create my own research questions and take the reins of my own hypotheses was both stressful and invigorating,” said Psychology major Kaylena Mann, who conducted research into psychological testing. “I learned a lot about my own capabilities as a researcher, as well as how exciting this experience can be.”

“The whole eight weeks of SURF and the project challenged me as a student and my abilities as a Computer Science major,” said Desiree Caldera, who conducted research into cybersecurity. “It was rewarding and I can definitely say I cried when I found out I won the fellowship. It meant a lot to be recognized as a woman of color in computer science.”