Tag: Decluttering

Bilingual commentary — Decluttering Our Lives, Part I

Not long ago I realized that after decades of intense dedication to my work, I had been neglecting other aspects of my life. For example, it was no surprise that upon retirement I was suddenly confronted with entire file cabinets bulging with papers that were no longer relevant or necessary. Much of what I used to file away, such as bank statements, was now being stored digitally. I spent over a year sifting through all those documents, shredding, discarding, or refiling them. 

Then I noticed that there was much more clutter than I wanted around my house and more cleaning that I had to do. A day dedicated to “spring cleaning” never materialized because the task was just too daunting for me to even imagine. On top of filing, discarding, shredding, organizing, and cleaning, there were projects that I had been wanting to throw myself into “once I retired.” But those projects required time that would detract from the time I needed to, quite literally, get my house in order.