Tag: David Hayes-Bautista

March 29 — CLU School of Management — The Latino GDP Project: Those Who Overcome

The Latino GDP Project provides a factual view of the large and rapidly growing economic contribution of Latinos living in the United States. Using publicly available data from major U.S. agencies, it provides compelling evidence that Latinos are drivers of economic growth and a critical source of resilience for the U.S. economy. The total economic output (or GDP) of Latinos in the U.S. was $2.8 trillion in 2020, equivalent to the world’s fifth largest GDP. The hard work and persistence of Latinos bolstered the nation’s economy during the pandemic and are now driving economic recovery. Join Dr. Hayes-Bautista and Dr. Fienup as they discuss this narrative-changing research.

Amigos805 goes on KPCC’s ‘Patt Morrison’ show on 89.3 FM to discuss Cinco de Mayo

Dr. David Hayes-Bautista and Amigos805’s Frank X. Moraga joined KPCC’S Patt Morrison on 89.3 FM in a discussion Friday on the true history behind Cinco de Mayo and the battle against big American marketing efforts to turn the holiday into ‘Cinco…