Tag: David E. Hayes-Bautista

The Surge of Summer through Winter, 2020-2021: COVID-19 Burned Through California’s Latino Population

While all population groups were affected by the COVID-19 surge from the summer through the winter of 2020?2021, California’s Latino population was among the hardest hit. Looking at increases in age-specific death rates, we can appreciate how many more Latinos than non-Hispanic whites (NHW) in every age group were killed by COVID-19. …

The surge from the summer through the winter of 2020?2021 affected all racial/ethnic groups, but it hit California’s Latinos particularly hard. In every age group, the disparity between Latino and non-Hispanic white death rates remained roughly the same throughout this period, ranging from two times to seven times as high, depending on age.

COVID-19 Case Rate and California’s Diversity — Patterns in Coronavirus Exposure

Every case of COVID-19 is the result of someone having been exposed to the coronavirus. Here in California, as elsewhere, different people experience different exposures to the virus. Some individuals and families—those with work that can be done remotely, robust health insurance, and relatively easy access to a physician—have been able to reduce their coronavirus exposure by sheltering at home for the past eight weeks.

State COVID-19 Case Rates and Pandemic Protection: A Metric for Decisions to Implement, Continue, or Relax Measures

State and terrritorial governors have implemented pandemic protection measures in order to interrupt and slow down the passage of the coronavirus throughout each state’s population. Some of these measures are implemented at the individual level, such as wearing a facemask or maintaining social distance. The risk of transmission is much higher among crowds of people in close proximity, so another set of measures operates at the group level, trying to keep large groups from forming by keeping potential members dispersed.

“Romaine lettuce tainted with E. coli can be recalled or removed from grocery stores to prevent transmission,” said Paul Hsu, an epidemiologist at UCLA. “When someone is infected with coronavirus, we have to rearrange social contacts to interrupt that person-to-person transmission.” Crowds at sporting events, audiences at concerts, and students in classrooms have been dispersed by cancelling games, events, and classes.

Uninsured Working Latinos and COVID-19: Essential Businesses at Risk

“Seek treatment by calling your doctor” if you have a fever, dry cough, or breathing difficulties, says the State of California Department of Public Health. But how will you pay for the doctor’s examination, a coronavirus test, and, if you test positive, any subsequent costs for treatment for COVID-19? While much of the state’s population has been able to practice “social distancing” and stay home to avoid exposure to the coronavirus, Latino workers fill a large percentage of the essential jobs that make staying home possible for others. The nature of these jobs—from checkout clerk to nursing home attendant—exposes them to many potential coronavirus carriers and a consequent high risk of catching the coronavirus. Yet the Latinos working these essential jobs are twice as likely as non-Latinos to be uninsured: