Tag: CSU Channel Islands’ OLLI-Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

Spring Classes CSU Channel Islands’ OLLI-Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

Happy New Year! As we welcome 2025, we are excited to begin our Spring Session.

Looking ahead, we are thrilled to share plans for our future, including a new Learning Lab in Gateway Hall. This innovative space will enhance your learning experience with cutting-edge technology and a flexible learning environment, paving the way for OLLI’s next chapter.

Starting in Spring II, we will also be offering additional Zoom courses through Osher Online, a program run by the Osher National Resource Center. Osher Online partners with OLLI programs around the country to provide an exciting selection of online courses that supplement and complement each OLLI’s in-house offerings. We are excited to expand our curriculum through this partnership, which will provide you with even more opportunities to engage in enriching courses and connect with members from other OLLIs.