Tag: CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) Nursing alumnus Claire Gillette

CSUCI Nursing alumnus saves the life of a mother of two

CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) Nursing alumnus Claire Gillette had just finished a 12-hour shift in the emergency room at Los Robles Regional Medical Center in Thousand Oaks, and she was exhausted. Did she have enough energy for a yoga class before going home? 

“I work night shift and I never take that class after a shift because I’m tired, and it’s hot yoga with weights,” Gillette said. “But there was a spot open in the class and I thought ‘I’m feeling into the weights.’”  

Had Gillette not joined the class on that particular day, and had she not been prepared with nursing skills she learned at CSUCI, the husband and two sons of Erika Cole, 44, would be spending the holidays without her. 

“Claire is the only reason I’m alive today,” Cole said.