Tag: CSMP One-Time Learning Acceleration Funds

CSUCI receives $572,750 grant to help teachers address the pandemic’s impact on students’ physical and emotional health

The pandemic disrupted California students’ lives at home and at school, including their physical and mental health. 

To help California teachers address the physical education and emotional support many students were unable to access during the pandemic, the University of California Office of the President has awarded CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) Associate Professor of Education Kara Naidoo, Ph.D., with a $572,750 grant to support a project entitled “CSMP One-Time Learning Acceleration Funds.”  

“The grant allows an increase in services to students and teachers throughout the state,” Naidoo said. “The project will allow for more mental health instruction and there will be more work done with physical education. We’re going to look into many areas of health education and physical education and see how to best support students and teachers. This is really to compensate for the interruption of learning that happened due to the pandemic.”