Tag: County of Ventura Planning Division

Nov. 8 — Bilingual report — County of Ventura Planning Division to Host Community Meeting on Permit Application for a Proposed Wastewater Treatment Facility in Unincorporated Santa Paula

The County of Ventura Planning Division will host a community meeting on a permit application for a Wastewater Treatment Facility. The meeting will take place on November 8, 2021 at 6:00 pm at the Santa Paula Community Center located at 530 W. Main Street in Santa Paula.

RI-NU Services, LLC has requested to update and reestablish a Conditional Use Permit to operate a wastewater treatment facility at 815 Mission Rock Road. This facility would continue to accept wastewater, such as, but not limited to, porta-potty waste, septic tank waste, and oilfield wastewater. The wastewater would be treated onsite to separate solids and liquids, consolidated and then trucked to off-site permitted disposal facilities. Project information is available online at: https://vcrma.org/ri-nu-wastewater-treatment-facility.

Aug. 26 — County Hosts Virtual Community Meeting to Discuss Housing Element Update

On Wednesday, August 26, 2020, the County of Ventura Planning Division will conduct a virtual community meeting to discuss the 2021-2029 County of Ventura Housing Element update. The Housing Element is a planning document that identifies the housing conditions and needs and establishes goals, policies and programs that will be the foundation for the County’s housing strategy for unincorporated areas through 2029.