VENTURA — The General Services Agency will accept the donation of two bronze veteran memorial statues for installation at the Ventura County Veterans Memorial. Following a vote at the April 25th Board meeting, the Board of Supervisors authorized the General Services Agency to work in partnership with the Vietnam Veterans of Ventura County and other veterans’ organizations to install the statues.
The two statues slated to be installed will honor the loss and sacrifice made by families and members of the military. The “Gold Star” statue will be a life size rendition of a mother/wife kneeling holding her son’s/husband’s folded casket flag. The “Remembering” statue will be a life size rendition of a kneeling soldier reaching out and remembering his fallen brethren.
“It is powerful to be in the presence of monuments in Washington DC like the Vietnams’ Memorial Wall,” said Chair of the Board of Supervisors Matt LaVere. “Now we do not have to travel across the country, we’re going to have something equally powerful right here in Ventura to go pay our respects which is so important.”.