Tag: Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for March 12 — Two Million COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Delivered to California’s Hardest-Hit Communities, Prompting Update of State’s Reopening Plan

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) today announced that 2 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered to Californians in some of the state’s hardest-hit communities, increasing immunity where the state’s transmission rates and disease burden have been the highest during the pandemic. With this equity metric met, and because vaccines slow the spread of disease and serious illness, the previously announced update to the Blueprint for a Safer Economy to account for progress with vaccine administration goes into effect.

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — Vaccine, Testing & More

If you had asked me five years ago if it were possible to have a Board of Supervisors hearing about redistricting, the long-term planning work program, or marijuana without having a knock-down-drag-out fight, I would have told you no way. This week, we discussed all three civilly and though there were disagreements, there was a confluence of purpose and principle. When the rest of the nation has become more partisan and angry, I hope it is reassuring to you to have a Board that works together to get things done.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for March 11, 2021 — When will Ventura County be in the Red Tier?

The state has announced that once 2 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine are administered in the most vulnerable communities in the state that the state will modify the case rate requirements. The case rate requirements are tied into the different colored tiers. If the case rate requirement is adjusted and Ventura County meets the metric we will move to the Red Tier next Wednesday the 17th.

Looking forward. Here’s what can be open (following the state issued guidance for each sector) once the County is in the Red Tier:

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for March 10, 2021 — Shout out to the wonderful team of Nurses and Disaster Service Workers

Shout out to the wonderful team of Nurses and Disaster Service Workers who are serving at COVID-19 vaccine sites throughout our County! Thank you Ventura County for the many kind emails and letters about your positive experiences receiving the vaccine. The site staff appreciates the messages!

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for March 9, 2021 — COVID-19 Update

The VC Mobile Library distributes Face Mask Kits to children and families thanks to a partnership with the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging. Kits contain face masks, hand sanitizer, COVID-19 safety and good hygiene information, a resource guide for coping with COVID and where to find help. Brothers, Luis and Sebastian recently enjoyed selecting new books from the Mobile Library. They are smiling behind those masks! Learn more about the Ventura County Library at the following link: www.vencolibrary.org/.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for March 8, 2021 — COVID19 update on March 9 at Board of Supervisors

A COVID-19 update will be provided at the Board of Supervisors meeting 3/9/21. The presentation will be live streamed on County of Ventura Facebook @CountyofVentura and at the following link beginning at 8:30 am: www.ventura.org/board-of-supervisors/agendas-documents-and-broadcasts/.

Clinicas Del Camino Real Inc. COVID-19 to hold Patient Vaccination Event in Oxnard  

Clinicas del Camino Real, Inc. will be expanding vaccination efforts to their Maravilla Health Center, located at 450 Clara St. Oxnard CA 93033, in South Oxnard this weekend. A total of 1,000 vaccines will be administered to Clinicas’ patients Saturday March 6, and Sunday March 7, from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Walk-ups will not be accepted at this particular event as all availabilities have been electronically reserved by eligible patients. 

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for March 4, 2021 — COVID-19 Vaccine Information

COVID-19 Vaccines are available for adults age 65 and older, healthcare, food and agriculture, education and childcare, emergency services and qualifying regional center family caregivers. More information at the following link: www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/.

Appointments open each week on Mondays at 7 am online am on the phone line for those with limited internet access: www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/portal/

?If you have limited internet access you can also call the registration hotline at 805-477-7161. The phone line is staffed M-F 8-5. Appointments are set aside for both online registration and the phone line.

The Area Agency on Aging provides transportation services for older adults that are in need of transportation to a vaccine appointment or for COVID-19 testing. This includes people that need lift assist as well as gurney transportation. The driver will take the individual, wait for them, help them at the site and take them home. To schedule a ride call 805-477-7300. Please note, you must have a vaccine appointment before you schedule a ride to a vaccine site.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for March 3, 2021 — COVID-19 Vaccine Information

COVID-19 Vaccines are available for adults age 65 and older, healthcare, food and agriculture, education and childcare, emergency services and qualifying regional center family caregivers. More information at the following link: www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/.

More appointments are available at this time. Register at www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/portal/

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for March 2

Hello Ventura County – Apologies for the late night stats update. This evening Governor Newsom toured our vaccine site at the Ventura County Office of Education. The video update from the visit to be shared tomorrow. To date more than 202,000 community members have been vaccinated in our County.

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — The Latest on Vaccines

Beginning this week, the state has begun to use a 70/30 formula in allocating vaccine doses. 70% of our vaccine doses will go to those who are 65 and over while 30% will be going to those residents who fall under Vaccine Tier 1B: education/child care workers, food and agriculture workers, and emergency services workers.

Vaccine appointments will be made available for Emergency Services Workers, Grocery Workers, and Phase 1A Health Care workers beginning March 1st at 9am on the County’s COVID-19 Vaccine Appointment website.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 update for Feb. 28 — More Vaccine Appointments to Open March 1

More COVID-19 Vaccine appointments will open on Monday morning. The online appointment portal will be available beginning at 7 am at the following link: www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/portal/.

The registration phone line will also have appointments available beginning at 8 am. The phone line is for those with limited access to the internet. The phone number is 805-477-7161. 

Learn more about the eligible sectors at the following link https://www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Feb. 25 — COVID-19 Vaccine Information

It was announced yesterday that education and childcare, food and agriculture and emergency response sectors are now eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine.

Information about appointments can be found at the following link.
www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/portal/. Appointments open Monday mornings beginning at 7 am online and 8 am on the phone line.

If you have limited internet access you can call the registration hotline at 805-477-7161. The phone line is staffed M-F 8-5. Appointments are set aside for both online registration and the phone line.

County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Feb. 25 — COVID-19 Vaccine Information

It was announced (Feb. 24) that education and childcare, food and agriculture and emergency response sectors are now eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine.

Information about appointments can be found at the following link.
www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/portal/. Appointments open Monday mornings beginning at 7 am online and 8 am on the phone line.

If you have limited internet access you can call the registration hotline at 805-477-7161. The phone line is staffed M-F 8-5. Appointments are set aside for both online registration and the phone line.

The Area Agency on Aging provides transportation services for older adults that are in need of transportation to a vaccine appointment or for COVID-19 testing. This includes people that need lift assist as well as gurney transportation. The driver will take the individual, wait for them, help them at the site and take them home. To schedule a ride call 805-477-7300. Please note, you must have a vaccine appointment before you schedule a ride to a vaccine site.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura – More Vaccine Appointments Open

There are now 1st and 2nd dose vaccine appointments available as of 2/25/21 for those eligible.

Please make your appointment by visiting the following link: www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/portal/.

2nd dose appointments are available for Moderna. Pfizer appointments are full at this time. More will open next week.

2nd dose appointment information can be found at the following link:

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Feb. 24 — COVID-19 Vaccine Information

COVID-19 Vaccine Information

It was announced today that education and childcare, food and agriculture and emergency response sectors are now eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine, effective today.

Information about appointments can be found at the following link.
www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/portal/. Appointments open every Monday.

If you have limited internet access you can also call the registration hotline at 805-477-7161. The phone line is staffed M-F 8-5. Appointments are set aside for both online registration and the phone line.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Feb. 23

Sitas de vacunación COVID-19 disponibles para Fase 1A, Trabajadores de Cuidado de Salud y personas de 65 años y mayores. Prueba de sector o identificación verificando la edad son requeridos en la cita de vacunación. Las citas de vacunaciones son para las personas que viven o trabajan en el Condado de Ventura.

1)     Registrarse en línea www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information-sp/portal-sp/
2)     Los que tengan acceso limitada a una computadora/internet pueden llamar a la línea de registración 805-477-7161. Esta línea telefónica está abierta de lunes a viernes de 8:00-5:00.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Feb. 22 — COVID-19 Vaccine Information

More vaccine appointments are now available for those 65 or older or in health care. Please make your appointment by visiting www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/portal/.

If you have limited internet access you can also call the registration hotline at 805-477-7161. The phone line is staffed M-F 8-5. Appointments are set aside for both online registration and the phone line.

Timely Vaccines Going Strong at GranVida

Carpinteria’s only senior living and memory care community, GranVida, can rest easier, as almost all of their staff and residents received their final vaccinations.

Management has expressed deep gratitude to the residents for adhering to vaccination schedules, and for staff and residents’ immediate cooperation with COVID-19 protocols. 

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Feb. 18 — Vaccine Update

More vaccine appointments are now available for those 65 or older or in health care. Please make your appointment by visiting www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/portal/ or by calling 805-477-7161.

Frequently Asked Question: How do I get my 2nd dose appointment?

After receiving your first dose, you will become eligible for your second dose after a waiting period of 21 days if you received Pfizer and 28 days if you received Moderna.

You do not need to receive your second dose on the exact date you become eligible. You have a window of 6 weeks from getting your first dose to receive your second dose. Please do not schedule your second dose earlier than recommended. Refer to your vaccination card, which will list the date you received your first dose.

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — Limited Vaccines Available for 65+ Starting Tuesday & More Mask Guidance

Residents of Santa Barbara County who are age 65 and older will be eligible to receive their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine beginning Tuesday, February 16, 2021. This expanded eligibility means that local health care providers, pharmacies, hospitals, and Public Health vaccination sites can open appointments to those 65+ once vaccines become available to them. Vaccine supplies are still very limited and health care providers are simultaneously ensuring those that received a first dose will also be able to receive a second dose.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update — Vaccine Update – now open to 65 and older

There are 453 new COVID-19 cases. There have been 6,537 new tests performed for a total of 1,051,626 total tests performed. There are 226 people who are currently hospitalized and 52 in the ICU.

There have been 18 additional deaths: 75 year old male, 72 year old male, 87 year old male, 56 year old male, 81 year old male, 74 year old male, 56 year old female, 82 year old male, 79 year old male, 51 year old male, 64 year old male, 89 year old male, 48 year old male, 53 year old male, 80 year old male, 89 year old female, 62 year old male, and a 85 year old male

We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of those who have passed away.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update — Vaccine Update – now open to 65 and older

Vaccines are in limited supply throughout the State of California. Appointments are full at this time. The current phase in Ventura County is Phase 1A: Healthcare workers, long-term care residents and now 65 and older (effective 2/9/21 65 and older are in the current vaccine phase).

Appointments are limited because of the limited supply of vaccines. It will take time to secure an appointment if you are in the current phase. The County of Ventura wants you to have a vaccine and is advocating for more vaccines.

Once more appointments open a message will be sent. At that time, community members who are eligible to be vaccinated may:

1) Register online www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/portal/.
2) Those with limited computer/internet access may call the phone registration line at 805-477-7161. The phone line is open Monday through Friday 8:00-5:00.

County of Ventura COVID-19 Update — Vaccine Update – now open to 65 and older

Vaccines are in limited supply throughout the State of California. The current phase in Ventura County is Phase 1A: Healthcare workers, long-term care residents and now 65 and older (effective 2/9/21 65 and older are in the current vaccine phase).

Appointments are limited because of the limited supply of vaccines. It will take time to secure an appointment if you are in the current phase. The County of Ventura wants you to have a vaccine and is advocating for more vaccines.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Feb. 4 — Vaccine Progress

The COVID-19 vaccine dashboard was launched last Friday to keep the community informed on the progress of administering COVID-19 vaccines. The dashboard is updated Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The data shows that in very simple terms “when we get it, we give it”. We want you to receive the vaccine as soon as possible. When we receive the vaccines, we open appointments and administer them.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Feb. 3 — Vaccine Progress

The COVID-19 vaccine dashboard was launched last Friday to keep the community informed on the progress of administering COVID-19 vaccines. The dashboard is updated Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The data shows that in very simple terms “when we get it, we give it”. We want you to receive the vaccine as soon as possible. When we receive the vaccines, we open appointments and administer them.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Feb. 2

The COVID-19 vaccine dashboard was launched on Friday to keep the community informed on the progress of administering COVID-19 vaccines. The dashboard is updated Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The data shows that in very simple terms “when we get it, we give it”. We want you to receive the vaccine as soon as possible. When we receive the vaccines, we open appointments and administer them.

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — The Latest on Vaccines and Rental Assistance

At (the Feb. 2) Board of Supervisors hearing, we received an update from the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department.

Santa Barbara County is expected to receive 6,580 vaccine doses today. On average, we have been allocated 6,000 vaccine doses each week from the state. 6,000 doses is only enough to vaccinate 1.3% of our population, which we have found to be a similar percentage as other counties, but we have a far larger percentage of our population that is 75 and above.

Until allocations are increased due to increased vaccine dose availability, appointments remain limited. While there are a reported 11,000 people on the wait list at Cottage and 8,000 at Sansum, the following pharmacies are offering COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments for community members 75+ years of age:

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update — Vaccine Progress

The COVID-19 vaccine dashboard was launched on Friday to keep the community informed on the progress of administering COVID-19 vaccines. The dashboard is updated Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The data shows that in very simple terms “when we get it, we give it”. We want you to receive the vaccine as soon as possible. When we receive the vaccines, we open appointments and administer them.

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — Marian Medical Center Administering COVID-19 Vaccine for SB County Residents 75+

In partnership with the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department, Marian Regional Medical Center will provide COVID-19 vaccinations to Santa Barbara County residents age 75 and older by appointment only.

Health care workers who provide direct care to patients, residents of a facility, or in a home care capacity in Santa Barbara County continue to be eligible and may also take advantage of this opportunity to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

Vaccinations will be given by appointment only to eligible Santa Barbara County residents and health care staff. To make an appointment please call (805) 739-3815 or visit: https://sugeni.us/Wg5A.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update

The County of Ventura is in Phase 1A. This phase includes those in the health care sector and 75 and older.

The State provides vaccines to the County on a weekly basis. The supply is not enough for the amount of people needing vaccines. The County is advocating for more vaccines and is prepared to administer once the shipment arrives.

Community members who are eligible to be vaccinated may

1) Register online www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/portal/.
2) Those with limited computer/internet access may call the phone registration line at 805-477-7161. The phone line is open Monday through Friday 8:30-5:00.

County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Jan. 28 — Vaccine Information

The County of Ventura is in Phase 1A which includes those in the health care sector and those who are 75 and older.

Community members who are eligible to be vaccinated may register online

Community members who are eligible to be vaccinated but who have limited computer/internet access may call the phone registration line at 805-477-7161. The phone line is open Monday through Friday 8:30-5:00.

Bilingual report — City of Oxnard to Temporarily Close Facilities and Programs to Public

In response to the increased transmission of COVID-19 in Ventura County, Oxnard City Hall and most city facilities and programs will be temporarily closed to the public starting January 3, 2022. The City will reopen facilities and programs as soon as it is determined to be safe, but anticipates at least three weeks of closures to the public.

Meanwhile, most services will remain available remotely.

“The safety of the Oxnard community and our City employees remains our top priority,” said City Manager Alexander Nguyen. “As we continue to provide essential services, we need to limit the amount of potential virus spread and protect the City’s workforce.” 

April 12 — Bilingual report — COVID-19 Mobile Vaccine Clinic at the Port of Hueneme

COVID-19 Mobile Vaccine Clinic – Johnson & Johnson
Clínica Móvil para la VACUNA COVID-19 – Johnson & Johnson

Monday April 12, 10am-3pm
Lunes 12 de Abril, 10am-3pm

Port of Hueneme/Puerto de Hueneme
333 Ponoma Street, Port Hueneme

No appointment needed/No es necesario hacer cita