Tag: Community Environmental Council

Community Environmental Council — Leading a clean energy future on the Central Coast

The Community Environmental Council (CEC) is working to rapidly move the California Central Coast to 100% efficient, clean, and renewable electricity to power our homes, businesses, and cars.

In 2023, CEC established Electrify Your Life (EYL), a free service offering personalized support and resources in Spanish and English to help make the switch to green tech solutions like electric vehicles, electric vehicle charging, solar, and home energy efficiency improvements affordable. We’ve helped more than 1,000 residents, businesses, and nonprofits stack incentives that they may not otherwise know they qualify for to save big on going electric.

Register now for Community Environmental Council’s Winter Climate Stewards Cohort starting Jan. 28 in Santa Barbara

When climate disasters strike, knowing how to help impacted communities and habitats can be daunting. CEC’s Climate Stewards certification program equips you with the knowledge to take climate action and connects you with a network of local activists working to promote community recovery and resilience.

Community Environmental Council — Receive tax benefits for your year-end donation

Receive tax benefits for your year-end donation
If you are 70½ years of age or older, you can transfer up to $100,000 from your IRA to the Community Environmental Council (CEC) as a charitable gift, reducing taxable income and satisfying your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year.

May 9 — SBCC presenting Panel on ‘Advancing Sustainable Development in an Era of Housing Growth’

SANTA BARBARA — Join  Community Environmental Council, the Santa Barbara Independent and Santa Barbara City College School of Extended Learning for a thought-provoking panel discussion at CEC Environmental Hub (1219 State Street) on Thursday, May 9, from 6:00-7:30 p.m. The discussion is about advancing sustainable development in an era of unprecedented housing growth. Learn more about the challenges such significant growth poses to advancing goals for sustainable development, and hear possible solutions that can inform further community discussion. This is an effort to understand the impacts and planning of nearly 15,000 housing units on the South Coast by the County of Santa Barbara and its incorporated cities over the next eight years. Register for the panel discussion.

Community Environmental Council Closes Historic $15 Million ‘Protect Our Climate Campaign’ with $16.97 Million Raised

After hosting more than 22,000 community members back to Alameda Park for the Santa Barbara Earth Day Festival at the end of April — the first time since 2019 — CEO Sigrid Wright announced today the success of CEC’s 50th Anniversary Protect Our Climate Campaign. Over $16.97 million was pledged to immediately tackle the urgent threat of climate change on the Central Coast, exceeding the $15 million goal.

Inspired by CEC’s proven reputation for developing and scaling innovative local solutions to complex problems, over 300 donors pledged $16.97 million to reverse and repair from climate change in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties. Of this, roughly $10.25 million is funding a growth sprint of CEC’s climate programs and the build-out of an innovative Environmental Hub in downtown Santa Barbara. The remaining pledges — about $6.75 million — will be fulfilled in coming decades through long-term legacy gifts, ensuring the future sustainability of the organization. The unexpectedly strong support shown by donors making legacy commitments in their estate plans led to the campaign surpassing its goal. View a complete list of campaign contributors here.

Community Environmental Council Welcomes New Staff and Board Members, Elects New Slate of Board Officers

The Community Environmental Council (CEC) continues to expand upon its mission to tackle pressing climate impacts across California’s Central Coast region, and recently welcomed five new staff members and one new board member to its growing roster. In addition, the Board elected a new slate of Ocers.

New to the Board this year is Christopher Knowlton, former staff writer and London Bureau Chief for Fortune Magazine and the retired president of Knowlton Brothers Inc. See bio below. CEC’s Board of Directors is composed of 16 community leaders with a diverse breadth of experience in business management, non-profit governance and financial oversight, providing strong direction and leadership to help CEC fulfill its mission.

March 22 — Bilingual report — Community Environmental Council presenting webinar ‘Prescribed Grazing for Ecological and Wildfire Resilience’

Join the Community Environmental Council’s webinar to learn about new legislation recently introduced by Senator Monique Limón that will enhance wildfire mitigation efforts by expanding statewide prescribed grazing efforts.

June 27 — Bilingual report — Community Environmental Council (CEC) in Santa Barbara presents free bilingual community webinar on financial incentives and programs available to make going electric more affordable

On Tuesday, June 27,  the Community Environmental Council (CEC) will host a free, interactive webinar, offered in English and Spanish, from 12 to 1:15 p.m. PST that will review the tax credits and incentive programs available to make going electric affordable, and describe how homeowners can combine these financial incentives to make their homes more efficient and climate friendly. Participants will also learn how to access CEC’s newElectrify Your Life service, which walks individuals through the process of determining their eligibility and applying for financial incentives.

July 6 — Community Environmental Council opening Central Coast’s first Environmental Hub

The Community Environmental Council is opening the Central Coast’s first Environmental Hub – and you’re invited to the party!

Please join us on Thursday, July 6, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. for the Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening Celebration! Part of Downtown Santa Barbara’s 1st Thursday Art Walk, the grand opening will feature “Return of the Western Monarch Butterfly: A Photographic Exhibit and Scientific Roadmap for Protecting this Endangered Species” by resident artist Elizabeth Weber.

July 27 — Community Environmental Council to present Plastic Free July Expo

SANTA BARBARA — You are invited to the Community Environmental Council and Santa Barbara Channelkeeper’s 2nd Annual Plastic Free July Expo featuring plastic-free information and activities. Meet local organizations working on plastic-free initiatives and learn how you can get involved. Join us at our brand-new CEC Environmental Hub for an evening of action, fun, and prizes!  Light refreshments will be served. Space is limited, RSVP is strongly encouraged.

Aug. 24 — Community Environmental Council to present ‘Arresting Science’ Preview Screening & Panel

SANTA BARBARA — Join us for an exciting evening of exploration and discussion at the “Arresting Science” Preview Screening & Panel event.

Holly Becker’s documentary, “Arresting Science” follows Dr. Peter Kalmus, an impassioned climate scientist, who commits his first act of civil disobedience in downtown Los Angeles.

Bilingual report — Statement from Community Environmental Council CEO/Executive Director on Today’s Supreme Court Ruling

In response to today’s Supreme Court ruling on the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to broadly regulate carbon emissions from existing power plants, Community Environmental Council CEO/Executive Director, Sigrid Wright released this statement:

“The Supreme Court’s decision is out-of-touch with science and the values that the vast majority of Americans share. It puts polluters ahead of people. Fortunately, we are not relying on or waiting for national policy, as we painfully learned during the last Administration. We are forging local and state solutions like never before with unrelenting, focused and inclusive climate action. The science dictates that it is not too late to mitigate and adapt; we will follow the science, not the Supreme Court.” 

Dec. 6 — Community Environmental Council Climate Action Webinar: ‘How the Momentum of Recent Climate Policy is a Win For You’

The Community Environmental Council Climate Action Webinar: “How the Momentum of Recent Climate Policy is a Win For You,” will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 6 via Zoom.

Want to know why the recent wave of federal and California climate legislation is so exciting – and how it can help your pocketbook? Join us to learn how these tremendous policy developments are catalyzing climate momentum like never before. Better yet, get the inside scoop on how they will help you maximize savings on energy upgrades with the latest local, state, and federal consumer tax credits and rebates. Ask your burning questions, and get inspired by the wave of climate progress on the horizon!

Planned Parenthood San Luis Obispo Health Center Goes Solar

Planned Parenthood California Central Coast celebrated its first solar electric system at its San Luis Obispo health center, as part of a regional plan to increase its reliance on renewable energy sources. The system is expected to net $250,000 in financial savings over the next 30 years. The project was part of CEC’s Solarize Nonprofit program and was made possible by support from Asteri Solar.

CEC’s Solarize Nonprofit pilot program is designed to help local nonprofits go solar and run off renewable energy without an upfront cost. The program grew out of CEC’s residential Solarize program, which has helped 858 homeowners go solar. The installation at Planned Parenthood was completed in partnership with CEC, funded by Asteri Solar, and installed by local company Solarponics Energy Management Systems.

Community Environmental Council and Electric Drive 805 Coalition Partners Invite Public to Learn About Benefits of Driving Electric through Oct. 2

The Community Environmental Council (CEC) and Electric Drive 805 coalition partners are proud to sponsor a variety of free, in-person and virtual events leading up to and throughout National Drive Electric Week through October 2, 2021. The public is invited to learn about the wide range of electric vehicles (EVs) that can fit most every lifestyle and budget.

Community Environmental Council, El Gato Channel Foundation, And The City Of Santa Barbara Parks & Recreation Department Hold Ribbon Cutting To Celebrate New Hydration Stations In Public Parks

The Community Environmental Council (CEC) is proud to announce the addition of two bottle filling hydration stations in Alameda and Shoreline parks. CEC is hosting a ribbon cutting ceremony on Friday, September 17 at 11:00 a.m. at the Alameda Park hydration station, located near the Kids World playground.

City of Santa Barbara Mayor Cathy Murillo will speak, in addition to representatives from CEC and project partners El Gato Channel Foundation, and City of Santa Barbara Parks and Recreation Department. Commenting on the impact these new hydration stations will have on residents and tourists enjoying the parks, Mayor Murillo observed, “They will encourage everyone to use refillable bottles and embrace a sustainable lifestyle.”

League of Women Voters and Community Environmental Council Invite Public To A Screening And Panel Discussion On Powerful New Climate Documentary through Sept. 30

The League of Women Voters of Santa Barbara (LWVSB) and Community Environmental Council (CEC) are proud to present a month-long virtual screening and culminating expert panel discussion of The Race to Save the World by Emmy award-winning filmmaker Joe Gantz. 

Community Environmental Council Welcomes New Members to the President’s Council

The Community Environmental Council (CEC) is pleased to announce new members to its President’s Council, a group of past executive directors, board members, founders, and esteemed CEC friends who have given significantly of their time, effort, and resources to the organization. These dynamic community leaders bring a wealth of experience that will propel CEC’s ambitious initiatives for climate action. As active, consistent champions of the organization, they advocate, network, and use their influence to help build continued investment from the community on behalf of CEC.

Community Environmental Council, UC Cooperative Extension and Agricultural Commissioner Announce New Report Aimed at Building Agricultural Resilience in Ventura County

Community Environmental Council (CEC), the University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) of Ventura County, and the Ventura County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office announce the release of Cultivating Resilience in Ventura County: Protecting Against Agricultural Vulnerabilities And Bouncing Forward After Disaster, a report designed to build climate resilience for Ventura County and the agricultural sector at large.

Community Environmental Council Expands Climate Work with New Staff

The Community Environmental Council (CEC) is pleased to announce the addition of several new staff members whose diverse backgrounds are expanding our organization’s ability to meet the demands of the climate crisis. This builds on a trend of growth for CEC that continued in 2020 and through this year, despite the pandemic.

Community Environmental Council Invites Everyone to Take Part in Earth Day — Every Day Campaign

The Community Environmental Council (CEC) is kicking off the annual Santa Barbara Earth Day Festival with the Earth Day — Every Day Campaign.

The campaign runs April 1 through April 21 and invites individuals to take meaningful, personal actions to help the environment. Together we can help our communities reduce climate impact and, at the same time, create healthy habit changes for ourselves.

Community Environmental Council Welcomes New Members and Officers to the Board of Directors

The Community Environmental Council (CEC) is pleased to announce a high caliber cohort of new members and officers to its Board of Directors. In a pivotal year of program expansion coupled with federal momentum, these dynamic community leaders bring a wealth of experience that will propel CEC’s bold climate action plans. As ambassadors of the organization, they will advocate, network, and promote on behalf of CEC.

Bilingual report — CEC Webinar Series: Affordable Electric Vehicle Clinic – How to Qualify for a Free or Low-Cost EV

The Community Environmental Council is hosting an Affordable Electric Vehicle Clinic on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. as part of CEC’s Climate Action Webinar Series. This free webinar will be presented in English with Spanish translation.

Join CEC’s Energy and Climate Programs Director Michael Chiacos and CEC’s Energy and Climate Associate Jen Hernández – both EV owners and industry experts – to learn which 100+ mpge electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid might be best for you. Michael will share his experience driving on sunshine since 2012. Jen, who recently leased an EV for $20/month, will share why the decision to drive electric was an easy choice for her family.

Community Environmental Council Announces New UC Climate Leadership Course

The Community Environmental Council (CEC) is proud to announce a new certification course, UC Climate Stewards, that will empower locals to take clear action on climate change. The course, offered in coordination with the UC Division of Agriculture and the Natural Resources California Naturalist Program, is part of a statewide effort to build on-the-ground support to advance local and state climate goals.

March 12 — CEC Climate Resilience Roundtable: Community Solutions to Protect Against Climate Change – Webinar (In English and Spanish)

Join the Community Environmental Council Friday, March 12, 2021 for the final roundtable in CEC’s series to address climate resilience in Santa Barbara County. This virtual event via Zoom will be presented in English with Spanish interpretation. The webinar will be from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and the Roundtable Discussion (limited space) will be from 1:00 p.m. -2:30 p.m.

This free webinar from will highlight the themes, values, and bold ideas generated from the year-long Climate Resilience Roundtable series – solutions that can safeguard us from the inevitable impacts of climate change and move us toward a community resilience vision. We’ll discuss:

March 23 — Bilingual report — CEC Offers Affordable Electric Vehicle Clinic

The Community Environmental Council (CEC) will host Affordable Electric Vehicle Clinic: How to Qualify for a Free or Low-Cost EV on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 from 12:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. The clinic is offered in partnership with Ecology Action, with support from Electrify America and Access Clean California.
This FREE virtual clinic is open to the public and will be presented in English with Spanish interpretation. Those interested in attending must register in advance at http://bit.ly/3bg0vlf.

Community Environmental Council Announces #CelebrateClimateLeadership Virtual Santa Barbara Earth Day Festival

The Community Environmental Council (CEC) is hosting #CelebrateClimateLeadership, a virtual Santa Barbara Earth Day Festival dedicated to inspiration, community building, and climate action. The FREE livestream event begins on Thursday, April 22 and runs until Saturday, April 24. It will be available to view at SBEarthDay.org.

The virtual Santa Barbara Earth Day Festival – which will be fully online again this year due to ongoing COVID-19 restrictions – will feature three days of conversations with climate leaders, musical performances, art contests, inspirational speakers, and opportunities for individuals to learn how they can lean into action at this urgent moment.

Through April 24 — Community Environmental Council Announces #CelebrateClimateLeadership Virtual Santa Barbara Earth Day Festival

The Community Environmental Council (CEC) is hosting #CelebrateClimateLeadership, a virtual Santa Barbara Earth Day Festival dedicated to inspiration, community building, and climate action. The FREE livestream event begins on Thursday, April 22 and runs until Saturday, April 24. It will be available to view at SBEarthDay.org.

The virtual Santa Barbara Earth Day Festival – which will be fully online again this year due to ongoing COVID-19 restrictions – will feature three days of conversations with climate leaders, musical performances, art contests, inspirational speakers, and opportunities for individuals to learn how they can lean into action at this urgent moment.

Bilingual report — CEC Launches Program to Continue Responding to Frontline Community Needs During COVID-19

Community Environmental Council announces Community Ambassador Resilience and Equity Response (CARER), a new pilot program aimed to foster community resilience and support climate justice efforts by responding to immediate needs of frontline communities during the pandemic.

CARER’s primary goal is to provide critical outreach to frontline community members, sharing resources and information related to COVID-19 public health, food access, and tenant rights. One way they are doing this is by conducting direct bilingual outreach to frontline community members and convening online or phone-based house meetings.

Community Environmental Council Welcomes New Members to Board of Directors, Partnership Council and President’s Council

Click here for the entire e-newsletter   Local leaders bring expertise to support CEC’s work in renewable energy, climate justice, and sustainable communities. February 19, 2020, SANTA BARBARA, CA—The Community Environmental Council (CEC) is pleased to announce new members to…

June 10 — Virtual Community Forum — Addressing Our Climate Emergency During a Pandemic

Click here for the entire e-newsletter   Addressing Our Climate Emergency During a Pandemic Wednesday, June 10, 2020 4:00pm-6:00pm Virtual Community Forum on climate change hosted by the League of Women Voters of Santa Barbara SANTA BARBARA, CA – The…

Oct. 10 — TEDxSantaBarbara and Community Environmental Council Host COUNTDOWN Event to Spotlight Local Environmental Experts, Building on International TED Climate Initiative

TEDxSantaBarbara, a locally organized offshoot of the international TED nonprofit, in conjunction with the Community Environmental Council (CEC), presents COUNTDOWN. This two-part, full-day event includes a local panel of experts that launches a global initiative to champion and accelerate solutions to the climate crisis, turning ideas into action. The free online event takes place Saturday, October 10, 2020 from 8:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. (global speakers) and 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. (local speakers).

To attend, register at TEDxSantaBarbara.com or tune in at Facebook.com/TEDxSantaBarbara on Saturday, October 10

Community Environmental Council and Los Padres Chapter Sierra Club Support National Drive Electric Week Events in the 805 Region

Car shows (Sept. 14-22) highlight cost-saving and environmental benefits of electric cars SANTA BARBARA — The Los Padres Chapter Sierra Club and the Community Environmental Council (CEC) are proud to sponsor two local events during National Drive Electric Week (September 14-22).…

Community Environmental Council Welcomes New Members to Board, President’s Council, Staff, and Intern Program

Click here for the entire e-newsletter   Established green architect, corporate marketing expert, and passionate environmental advocates work to increase local climate resilience. August 1, 2019, SANTA BARBARA, CA—The Community Environmental Council (CEC) is honored to announce a new Board member,…

Community Environmental Council update for June 13 — Plastic Free July Kickoff Party on June 27, Video Premiere

Click here for the entire e-newsletter   Plastic Free July Kickoff Party and Video Premiere “Touch of Love” Video Connects Students, Non-profits and Community  June 13, 2019, SANTA BARBARA, CA – Join the Community Environmental Council, Santa Barbara Channelkeeper and David Segall…

Bilingual report: Community Environmental Council Announces SB Earth Day Festival 2019

Friday night concert with Beer & Wine Garden added to extend celebration. SANTA BARBARA — The Community Environmental Council (CEC) will host its 2019 Santa Barbara Earth Day Festival at Alameda Park Saturday, April 27 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday,…

Community Environmental Council Welcomes New Partnership Council Members and Intern, Including Lawyer and Financial Expert

Click here for the entire e-newsletter     Community Leaders Join CEC to Help Combat Climate Change and Resultant Climate Justice Issues SANTA BARBARA — The Community Environmental Council (CEC) is pleased to announce new additions to its Partnership Council and Intern…

Community Environmental Council update for Feb. 19 — SB Earth Day Festival 2019

Click here for the entire e-newsletter   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Kathi King kking@cecmail.org 805-963-0583 Ext. 108 Community Environmental Council Announces SB Earth Day Festival 2019 Friday night concert with Beer & Wine Garden added to extend celebration. The 2019 festival will…

Community Environmental Council and Santa Barbara Channelkeeper join effort to keep film plastic out of waste stream, serving as additional public drop-off locations

Click here for the entire e-newsletter SANTA BARBARA, CA – The Community Environmental Council (CEC) and Santa Barbara Channelkeeper (SBCK) are pleased to work together with Ablitt’s Fine Cleaners to collect and repurpose hard-to-recycle plastics. Sasha Ablitt, owner of Ablitt’s Fine…

Community Environmental Council Welcomes New Board and Staff Members, including Retired Fire Chief and Green Business Leaders

Click here for the entire e-newsletter   CEC invites in strong environmental advocates to support green business and transportation efforts SANTA BARBARA — The Community Environmental Council (CEC) is pleased to announce two new Board members, as well as new staff. Additions…

Santa Barbara Metro Transit District votes to switch to an all-electric, clean fleet by 2030

Click here for the entire e-newsletter SANTA BARBARA — The Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District (MTD) Board of Directors voted unanimously today to set a goal of 100% clean, quiet zero-emission buses by 2030. The District decided to join Los Angeles Metro –…

Community Invited Back to Continue Taking Action on Food System in Santa Barbara County

SB County residents and organizations encouraged to join in network for a sustainable food future for Santa Barbara County Tuesday, November 13, 2018 6 PM – 8 PM  Santa Barbara Public Library Faulkner Gallery Building Our Resilient Food System: Cultivating…

Community Environmental Council update for Sept. 6

Click here for the entire e-newsletter   Community Environmental Council and Los Padres Chapter Sierra Club Support National Drive Electric Week Events in the 805 Region Car shows highlight cost-saving and environmental benefits of electric cars At an electric car show,…

Community Environmental Council update for Aug. 15

Click here for the entire e-newsletter   Community Environmental Council Celebrates 48 Years of Environmental Solutions in Santa Barbara with Green Gala SANTA BARBARA — The Community Environmental Council (CEC) is hosting its annual “eco-chic” party of the year, the Green…

Jan. 27 — Call to Climate Action at Community Commemoration of 50th Anniversary of Santa Barbara Oil Spill

National and Local Leaders Unite to Mobilize in Face of Current Climate and Environmental Crises  SANTA BARBARA – Community Environmental Council (CEC), Environmental Defense Center (EDC), Get Oil Out! (GOO!), and UCSB’s Department of Environmental Studies are proud to present “50 Years…

Aug. 2 — Solarize Ventura County SPANISH workshop

Wednesday, August 2nd 6:00pm (English) 7:00pm (Español) City of Oxnard, Community Room, 300 West Third Street, First Floor, Oxnard CA 93030 The Community Environmental Council’s Solarize Program offers discounted, top quality solar electric systems for homeowners in Ventura County. The…