Tag: Clean Air

Port of Hueneme — Exciting Day for Clean Air – Port’s Goal to Become a Zero Emission Hub

When a blueprint is created, it identifies and outlines a plan of action with the big picture in mind. In the case of the Port of Hueneme, their “blueprint project” known as SPARC (Sustainable Power Advancement & Resiliency for our Community) was created to chart a pathway to zero emission operations which is the Port’s overall long-term goal for air quality improvement and climate change adaptation. The plan will include an attainable timeline for the complete transition to a zero emission Port operation.

“This project will be an essential element in charting the Port’s pathway to a zero-emission future as part of the Port’s commitment to being a steward of the local environment,” said Jason Hodge, Oxnard Harbor District President. “The Port recognizes the urgency of addressing the climate crisis facing the globe and is undertaking multiple projects to facilitate reducing air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions from Port operations.”