Tag: City of Ventura Police Dept.

Bilingual report — Ventura Police to hold DUI checkpoint on Friday, Feb. 21

VENTURA — The Ventura Police Department Traffic Unit will conduct a DUI checkpoint at an undisclosed location within the city limits on Friday, February 21, 2025 from 8:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. 

DUI checkpoint locations are chosen based on data showing incidents of impaired driving-related crashes. The primary purpose of checkpoints is not to make arrests, but to promote public safety by deterring residents from driving impaired. During the checkpoint, officers will look for signs that drivers are under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. 

Bilingual report — Ventura Police secure $235,000 grant for traffic enforcement program to increase safety on roads

VENTURA — The Ventura Police Department is proud to announce it has received a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) to support its ongoing enforcement and education programs to help reduce the number of serious injuries and deaths on our roads.

“Securing this grant is a game-changer for our efforts to enhance our traffic enforcement efforts and improve road safety,” said Sergeant Mark Knackstedt. “With a focus on high-risk areas, education, and fostering safe habits, we aim to reduce dangerous driving behaviors, prevent crashes, and make our roads safer for everyone.”