Tag: Channel Islands YMCA

Local Youth Giving Back: Channel Islands YMCA Youth and Government Delegates Hold Clean Up Day

SANTA BARBARA — Delegates from the Channel Islands YMCA Youth and Government team recently gave back to the community by helping clean up the baseball fields at Mackenzie Park in Santa Barbara. Students from the Stuart C. Gildred (Santa Ynez),…

Community Philanthropy Teams Up to Fund New Vehicle for Youth and Family Services YMCA

SANTA BARBARA  – Noah’s Anchorage, a program of Youth and Family Services YMCA, was the grateful recipient of a new vehicle to aid in the necessary daily transportation of youth in the program. The vehicle purchase was funded by donations from the…

Sept. 30 Registration Deadline for High Schoolers Interested in Santa Barbara Family YMCA Youth & Government Program

SANTA BARBARA – High school students interested in a six-month hands-on experience in democracy are encouraged to apply to the Santa Barbara Family YMCA’s Youth and Government program. Registration closes on September 30. Participants experience first-hand how state government works;…

Community Asked to Donate Vehicles to Support Channel Islands YMCA Open Doors Scholarships

SANTA BARBARA – The Channel Islands YMCA is seeking car donations through Vehicle Donation to Any Charity (V-DAC) to support the Y’s Open Doors Scholarship Program. All types of vehicles (running or not) are accepted, including: cars, trucks, motorcycles, RVs, boats,…

Santa Barbara Family YMCA Youth & Government Delegates Experience Democratic Process First Hand in Sacramento

SANTA BARBARA — The Channel Islands YMCA Youth & Government delegation joined more than 3,500 youth from throughout California for the 68th Model Legislature & Court held Feb. 11-15 at the Sacramento Convention Center and State Capitol. Part of the…