Tag: Carpinteria’s Eureka! Program

Girls Inc. Carpinteria’s Eureka! Program Returns to Washington D.C.

A group of 12 local girls from Girls Inc. of Carpinteria’s Eureka! Program recently returned from an inspiring five-day trip to Washington D.C.

The visit focused on three overarching themes: college and career; museums and monuments; and Capitol Hill. One of the highlights including meeting with Congressman Salud Carbajal to advocate for issues that are important to them, including climate change and LGBTQ+ rights.

The teenage girls – who just entered their senior year in high school – had the opportunity to tour the Girlhood Exhibit at the Museum of American History, the Holocaust Museum, Museum of African American History, Museum of Natural History and the United States Botanical Gardens. Additionally, they took part in visits to Georgetown and George Washington University, where the young women networked with students and faculty.

During the five days, the students also toured Capitol Hill, enjoyed a private tour of the Library of Congress and explored the historical monuments on a moonlit trolley ride.