Tag: Caitlin Case

Mary Maranville Steps Down As SEEAG CEO; Caitlin Case Named Executive Director

VENTURA — Mary Maranville, founder and CEO of the nonprofit Students for Eco-Education and Agriculture (SEEAG) is stepping down from the leadership role effective June 30. Maranville will become SEEAG’s major gifts grant writer. Caitlin Case, formerly SEEAG’s marketing director, has been named executive director.

Maranville started SEEAG 16 years ago. During that time, SEEAG has taught over 100,000 elementary school students in Central and Southern California about the origins of their food and healthy eating. SEEAG provides classroom learning as well as field trips to its Farm Labs at area farms. “The students I taught in 2008 are 24 years old now. My hope is, as adults, they remember their field trips and will be strong supporters of our farms and agriculture,” says Maranville.