Tag: Barry Zimmerman

CEO Appoints Barry Zimmerman as the Director of the Ventura County Health Care Agency

Barry Zimmerman has been selected as the Director of the Ventura County Health Care Agency after a nationwide recruitment. The appointment was made by County Executive Officer Mike Powers.

“Barry is an excellent leader and the right person at the right time for this vital role. He will guide the Health Care Agency’s outstanding leadership team as they usher in a new era of health care,” said County Executive Officer Mike Powers. “The speed and scope of the pandemic has posed extraordinary challenges and Barry has been a proven leader during this complex and unprecedented time taking the lead on the COVID-19 Testing and Vaccine Taskforce. His service to our community and to our County, especially during this time, has been crucial.”

Bilingual report: Barry Zimmerman named Chief Deputy Director of the Ventura County Health Care Agency

VENTURA — The Ventura County Health Care Agency is proud to announce that Barry Zimmerman has been selected as the new Chief Deputy Director. “Zimmerman has been an influential County leader with nearly 24 years of service spanning both the…