Tag: Atkinson Artist Talk with Alberto Lule

March 15 — SBCC alum/mixed media artist Alberto Lule discusses prison industrial complex-inspired works

The Atkinson Gallery at Santa Barbara City College (SBCC) is pleased to present an artist talk with alumnus Alberto Lule. Lule is the recipient of the LUM Art Prize (Issue 6), presented by LUM Art Magazine with the support of the Carolyn Glasoe Bailey Foundation. We are pleased to co-present this program with both organizations. 

Lule began making art while serving a thirteen-year sentence in a California prison. He uses readymades and mixed media installations to examine and critique mass incarceration and the prison industrial complex in the United States, particularly the California prison system. Starting from his origins as a graffiti artist and writer, Lule draws on his own experiences in prison to create artworks that explore institutional roles of gatekeepers of knowledge, authorities of culture, and administrators of discipline and punishment.

“Art made the prison walls disappear, allowing me to overcome not only the prison I was physically in but also the mental prison I had placed myself in before my sentence,” said Lule. “By focusing on how institutional systems operate, I have come to notice the similarities between all institutions, from institutions of higher learning to correctional institutions. These similarities can be exposed and learned from, not only from a scientific point of view, but even more thoroughly through art.”