Tag: 3rd Binational Congress for Mexican Artists Residing in the United States

Santa Maria High School Spanish Teacher Enedina Castañeda performs two poems at the Cultural Center of Tijuana (CECUT), Mexico

Santa Maria High School Spanish Teacher Enedina Castañeda recently joined more than 60 artists from the United States and Mexico to perform two poems at the Cultural Center of Tijuana (CECUT), Mexico.

Castañeda, who is a member of the 3rd Binational Congress for Mexican Artists Residing in the United States, was accompanied by the music of guitarist and tenor Iván Orellana.

Castañeda presented two poems on stage, Paz and La Tierra Distante. Along with her poem, Peace (Paz), she exhibited the banner of peace during the performance. The Distant Land (La Tierra Distante) is a nostalgic poem conveying the feeling of missing your country when you’re standing on a foreign land. Castañeda recited that piece holding dirt from Mother Earth.