Tag: 2022-2023 Board of Directors

Family Service Agency Elects New Board Co-Presidents, Officers

SANTA BARBARA COUNTY — Family Service Agency (FSA) of Santa Barbara County announced that it has voted in a new slate of leadership for its 2022-2023 Board of Directors. Molly Carrillo-Walker and Tricia Price replace out-going Co-Presidents Terri Zuniga and Robin Doell-Sawaske who served an extended term during the pandemic. Linda Sessler and Robert Janeway move forward as Co-Treasurers. Teressa Johnes becomes Secretary. Ed Tran and Rod Durham are serving as Co-Vice Presidents of Programs. Maria McCall assumes the role of Vice President of Development.

“We are thankful for the support of the previous officers and are excited about  welcoming our new officers,” said FSA CEO, Lisa Brabo.  “Their experience and expertise, in combination with the rest of FSA’s board, will effectively guide us as we step forward into the new fiscal year.”