Tag: 2021 Crop and Livestock Report

Bilingual report — County of Ventura’s Department of Agriculture/Weights and Measures Releases 2021 Crop and Livestock Report

The County of Ventura’s Department of Agriculture/Weights and Measures presented the 2021 Crop and Livestock Report to the Board of Supervisors at Tuesday’s meeting. Agricultural Commissioner and Sealer Ed Williams reported the value of crops for the county for 2021 was $2,085,999,000, an increase of 5% from 2020. Strawberries, lemons, and nursery stock remained the highest valued crops, followed by raspberries, avocados, and celery. For the second consecutive year, the report has been published in Spanish.

“It is good to see the gross values for Ventura County’s crops rising again compared to the bit of a slump in 2020 due to the pandemic,” said Williams. “Production costs have increased, and growers must receive a good return on their investments for farming to continue. The impact of farming and ranching goes far beyond the farm gate by providing jobs for processors, marketers, transporters, farm supply companies, and restaurants, to name a few, and especially the tens of thousands of farmworkers who provide the skill and foundation to make it all possible. I deeply appreciate the many people who play a key role in keeping Ventura County’s agriculture thriving.”