Category: Seniors

County of Ventura COVID-19 update for April 7

VENTURA COUNTY — Good Evening, Here is your daily COVID-19 Update from the County of Ventura. By the numbers: 17 new cases 243 total cases 148 active cases 89 recovered cases 148 active cases under home quarantine 6 deaths (4…

UWVC’s United to End Homelessness COVID-19 Rapid Response

UWVC’s United to End Homelessness COVID-19 Rapid Response VENTURA —  As a rapid response to the COVID-19 pandemic, United Way of Ventura County (UWVC) has mobilized to help our neighbors experiencing homelessness. In consultation and partnership with the County Executive…

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — County by County Covid Stats & Resources for Businesses Impacted by the Crisis

Governor Newsom announced new help for small businesses & workers displaced by COVID-19. $50 million in loan guarantees is available for small businesses that may not be eligible for federal relief and the State is also allowing small businesses to…

County of Ventura COVID-19 update for April 5

Good Morning, Here’s your daily updated on COVID-19 cases in the County of Ventura. 18 new cases 221 total cases 62 recovered cases 153 under home quarantine 6 deaths Question of the Day: What are the steps to take to…

County of Ventura COVID-19 update for April 4

Good Afternoon, Here’s your daily COVID-19 Update from the County of Ventura. 14 new cases 203 total cases 60 recovered cases 137 under home quarantine  6 deaths 3,892 total tests Watch the daily video update with a focus on homeless…

Working remotely CSUCI pulls together to print 3-D protective face shields

CSU Channel Islands may be operating in a virtual environment right now, but CSUCI faculty, staff and students from several different academic programs have mobilized and fired up 3-D printers to print badly-needed protective face shields.

So far, 51 printers are humming away in University members’ garages, kitchens, bedrooms and dens across the region in an effort to help medical personnel protect themselves as they treat patients diagnosed with the COVID-19 virus.

County of Ventura COVID-19 update for April 3

VENTURA COUNTY — Good Evening, Here’s your daily County of Ventura COVID-19 Update.   12 new cases 189 total cases 50 recovered cases 42 hospitalized 133 active cases under quarantine 6 deaths   Questions of the Day:   Where can Employers,…

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — A Call to Take Responsibility & Updated Numbers

We are together facing yet another time of crisis, and how we behave in it will define and test our community and our humanity. Many have lost jobs or income, seen their products rot without customers, their businesses close, and some are even now seeing their loved ones sick. We must be a community where individuals take it upon themselves to shorten the economic crisis and save lives, by practicing social distancing without the need for Big Brother government or well-meaning neighbors to tell you how to behave.

County of Ventura issues New public health comments about masks

Ventura County Public Health Officer changes position on face masks, no longer advising against wearing them in public. Instead, he supports those residents who wish to cover their nose and mouth when leaving home for essential travel to doctor appointments, grocery shopping or pharmacy visits. The face coverings should not be hospital grade at this time because there is a shortage and our health professionals need them.

SoCalGas Donates $100,000 to American Red Cross of Central California to Support Those in Need During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Funding is part of the $1 million donation the company is providing to assist laid-off workers, provide food and bill payment assistance to those in need CAMARILLO — Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas) on Aug. 2 announced it will donate…

Family Service Agency Launches Parent Coaching ‘Warm Line’

Offers Support, Tips for Homebound Families During COVID-19 SANTA PAULA — With stay-at-home orders, school closures, and business shut-downs, parents are balancing work, child care, and self-care while dealing with other impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, Family Service…

Friendship Center — April Newsletter

Friendship Center’s Montecito and Goleta sites are home away from home for many seniors with dementia in our local community. As soon as it became evident we would need to close both locations due to COVID-19 and our high-risk demographic, we knew we had to do all we could to support our elderly members by alternate means. We took immediate action to implement remote services—check-in calls to our members and their families, virtual activities online, and remote ZOOM caregiver support groups, which are so popular they have increased from monthly to weekly meetings!

County of Ventura COVID-19 update for April 1

Good Afternoon, Here is your daily report of COVID-19 cases in the County of Ventura.  

11 new cases
160 total cases
31 recovered cases
34 people have ever been hospitalized from COVID-19
124 active cases under quarantine
5 deaths
Test count for today will be included tomorrow. As of yesterd

County of Ventura COVID-19 update for March 31

VENTURA COUNTY — Good Evening, Here is your daily report of COVID-19 cases in the County of Ventura.   23 new cases 149 total cases 27 recovered cases 30 people have ever been hospitalized from COVID-19 117 active cases under quarantine…

County of Ventura COVID-19 update for March 29

VENTURA COUNTY — Good Afternoon, There are now 109 cases of COVID-19 in Ventura County. There have been a total of 4 deaths: 3 people in their 70s and 1 person in their 80s. 26 people have been hospitalized. Question of…

County of Ventura COVID-19 update for March 28

VENTURA COUNTY — Good Afternoon, Here is your daily update on COVID-19 cases in the County of Ventura. There are 98 cases. 1,574 people have been tested. There have been 3 deaths.   Ages of Confirmed Cases: # Age 0-17 1 Age…

Coronavirus Update: Community Action Commission Continues to Provide Meals to Seniors, Operate 2-1-1 Helpline in Santa Barbara County

Non-Profit Agency Pivots to Remain Open to Serve the Public During Pandemic GOLETA — Community Action Commission of Santa Barbara County (CAC) announces the following updates to two of its health and human service programs that serve county residents. These…

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — COVID-19 Updates and Community Safeguards

As we conclude the first week of Governor Newsom’s “shelter in place” order, I am encouraged by our community’s resilience and determination to “flatten the curve” while also rapidly enacting safeguards for our vulnerable community members. At the County, we…

County of Ventura COVID-19 update for March 26

VENTURA COUNTY — Good Evening, Here is your daily COVID-19 update. There are 61 cases in our County.1,288 Ventura County residents have been tested. Question of the day: Which types of businesses are considered “essential” under the Public Health Stay Well…

County of Ventura COVID-19 update for March 23

VENTURA COUNTY — Good Afternoon, Here is your daily report of COVID-19 cases in the County of Ventura. As of 2:30 pm, there are a total of 35 cases in Ventura County. 6 patients are hospitalized. The County is encouraging community…

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — Keep Calm in the Face of a Deepening Crisis

These are not the times for either panic or complacency. Please practice social distancing and respect Governor Newsome’s “shelter in place” order but also have compassion and understanding that many of our neighbors are still working and are required work for…

Bilingual report: Ventura County Public Health — Stay Well At Home

Public Health Officer Issues local Order to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 VIDEO MESSAGE FROM DOCTOR ROBERT LEVIN    VENTURA COUNTY — To further combat the spread of COVID-19, Ventura County Public Health Officer Doctor Robert Levin, has issued a…

Clinicas del Camino Real Responds to COVID19

Clinicas provides COVID19 testing and care for patients in Ventura County CAMARILLO — Clinicas del Camino Real is being proactive and providing rapid response to the COVID-19 outbreak. As a primary provider of community health care services Clinicas is here…

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — Governor Newsom Orders Shelter in Place

California Governor Gavin Newsom just announced a statewide order for all California residents to shelter in place. The order goes into effect this evening. The following services will remain open through the order: Gas stations Pharmacies Food: Grocery stores, farmers…

Bilingual report: Ventura Health Officer order for the control of COVID-19 directing vulnerable individuals living in the County to shelter at their place of residence


Bilingual report: Ventura County Public Health: 13 cases of COVID-19 in Ventura County, 1 confirmed by the CDC, 12 presumptive

VENTURA COUNTY — There are now 13 cases of COVID-19 in Ventura County. 1 was confirmed by the CDC and 12 were presumptive. As of today we will not be reporting presumptive positive cases. They will be counted as positive cases.…

CSUCI takes further steps toward social distancing on campus

CAMARILLO — CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) is accelerating efforts to keep students, staff, and faculty safe from coronavirus (COVID-19) by taking further steps to create social distance. Although there have been zero presumptive or confirmed cases of COVID-19 within the CSUCI…

Bilingual report: City of Oxnard — Coronavirus Guidance for Residents | Orientació Para Los Residentes

COVID-19 | CORONAVIRUS COMMUNITY UPDATE March 16, 2020 GUIDANCE FOR RESIDENTS The City of Oxnard strongly encourages our community to follow the Governor’s guidelines for residents. Seniors age 65 or older or those with chronic conditions must stay indoors and…

Bilingual report: Ventura County Public Health COVID-19 Update — 2 Presumptive Positive Cases Announced

UPDATE: The presumptive positive case for an 8 -year-old being treated at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles was retested by Los Angeles Children’s Hospital with a new sample from the child. The results were negative. Ventura County Public Health retested the…

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — Santa Barbara County’s First Confirmed Case of COVID-19

Santa Barbara County has our first confirmed case of COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”) in North County. The individual is being quarantined in their home. The case is believed to be from community transmission. We have been made aware of the case due…

Bilingual report: County of Ventura Declares Local Health Emergency in Response to Novel Coronavirus Activity

VENTURA — The Ventura County Public Health Department (on March 12) declared a local health emergency in response to 1) increased spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) across the country 2) in alignment with the Governor of California’s Declared State of…

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — Important Update on COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”)

There is very new and important information on COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”). California Governor Newsom and the California Department of Public Health announced that large gatherings that include 250 people or more should be postponed or canceled. Smaller gatherings held in venues…

Friendship Center March Newsletter

MARCH 2020 Make a Donation Visit our Website Spring is in the air! Sponsorship Form Auction Donation Form And lucky for us, Friendship Center is the proud and grateful recipient of this year’s SBAOR (Santa Barbara Association of Realtors) Golf…

Friendship Center — February Newsletter

FEBRUARY 2020 Make a Donation Visit our Website Click the image above for more information and to purchase tickets! The Importance of Caregiver Care By Naomi Edwards Program Specialist, Friendship Center Montecito One of the most rewarding, yet challenging, jobs…

Seniors Eligible For Free Memberships At Local YMCAs

VENTURA COUNTY — Beginning in January, seniors 65 and older may be eligible for free access to the exercise programs at the Conejo Valley, Yarrow and Simi Valley YMCAs as part of their health insurance coverage. Seniors must first contact…

Dec. 16 — Hospice of Santa Barbara Virtual Light Up A Life

This year, Hospice of Santa Barbara (HSB) will hold their traditional celebration of reflection, special speakers, poetry, musical entertainment, and the lighting of their Tree of Remembrance to honor the many that are missed this holiday season, online via Zoom with an event featuring emcee Catherine Remak Wednesday, December 16th from 6:00 to 7:00 pm PDT.

Bilingual report: VCAAA Wins National Awards for Veterans Tribute, Elder Abuse Awareness

VENTURA COUNTY — The Ventura County Area Agency on Aging is the recipient of two National Mature Media Awards for video production. The videos, titled Remembering Ventura County’s Veterans and Ventura County Elder Abuse Call to Action, were recognized as being…

Friendship Center Adult Day Services Special Edition

Make a Donation Visit our Website The Best Present is Your Presence Navigating the Holiday Season as a Caregiver By Kathryn Cherkas, Program Manager–Montecito The holiday season can be a joyous time of year where families get together and celebrate.…

With Older Population on the Rise, Governor Signs Jackson’s Senior Master Plan Bill

Three Jackson Bills Signed Into Law Assist Older Californians SACRAMENTO – Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed State Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson’s (D-Santa Barbara) bill to establish a comprehensive plan for addressing the needs of the state’s aging and disabled residents. Senate Bill…

Friendship Center — This Fall, find out how to take a LEAP! and WISE UP Hollywood style

Click here for the entire e-newsletter   About Us Programs For Caregivers Calendar of Activities Events Donate Contact Us Train Your Brain! CONNECTIONS NOW Mondays & Wednesdays in Montecito as well as Mondays & Thursdays in Goleta: GOLETA 805-845-7442 Persons…

Bilingual commentary: Jackson Bills To Address the Needs of Aging Californians Pass off Assembly Floor

SACRAMENTO –Two bills authored by State Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson (Santa Barbara)  to address the needs of California’s growing senior population have passed off the Assembly floor. Senate Bill 280, which passed with a bipartisan, 66-0 vote, addresses home building standards to help aging…

Oct. 31 — 31st Annual Senior Expo of Santa Barbara, An Active Aging Fair for Seniors & Caregivers

SANTA BARBARA — The largest active aging fair in our area, the Senior Expo will take place on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Earl Warren Showgrounds. The Senior Expo features flu shots donated by…

Oct. 2 — Senior Expo of Santa Barbara features health screenings, activities, exhibits for seniors, caregivers

SANTA BARBARA — The Senior Expo of Santa Barbara will be held from 9 a.m. to noon Wednesday, Oct. 2 at the Earl Warren Showgrounds. The expo features health screenings, activities, exhibits for seniors, caregivers. Click on image below for the…

Ventura Senior Affordable Housing Project receives Largest National Housing Trust Fund award

VENTURA — The Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura applied for and secured $8,370,651, the largest California award from the National Housing Trust Fund, for construction of the Willett Ranch senior affordable housing development. The Willett Ranch community…

Friendship Center adult day services update for July 1 — Bridging the Generation Gap

Click here for the entire e-newsletter   Bridging the Generation Gap The importance of intergenerational activities Left: Friendship Center seniors visit with second graders in their classroom as part of our intergenerational GOLD Project; Right: Program Manager and proud aunt…

Community Action Commission Partners with School District to Provide Meals to Seniors in Santa Barbara County

SBUSD Food Service Now Creates Healthy Food for All Ages GOLETA —  Community Action Commission of Santa Barbara County (CAC) announces a contractual agreement between its Senior Nutrition program and Santa Barbara Unified School District (SBUSD) Food Service to provide…

June 15 — Free Family History Presentation to be held in Camarillo

CAMARILLO — The Ventura County Genealogical Society will present a Free Family History Presentation: “Deception, Divorce, Desertion, and DNA; Finding a Grandfather for Dave” Presented by Cheryl Storton, CG, at 1 p.m. Saturday, June 15, at the Camarillo Library Community Room, 4101 Las Posas…

Friendship Center of Santa Barbara update for April 1 — Celebrating National Volunteer Month

Click here for the entire e-newsletter     We Love Volunteers!   Celebrating National Volunteer Month Today’s blog post, celebrating National Volunteer Month, comes from Montecito Program Manager, Kathryn Cherkas, MIPH. People often ask me about volunteer opportunities at Friendship…

Jackson Introduces Bill to Protect Older and Disabled Adults From Falling

SACRAMENTO –Recognizing that falls are the leading cause of fatal injury among older adults, State Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara) introduced legislation today to assist older and disabled adults with home modifications to help reduce the risk of falling and allow more…

Jackson Calls for Master Plan on Aging Californians

Introduces legislation to develop senior master plan and appoint an “Aging Czar” SACRAMENTO — As California’s aging population continues to grow with significant numbers struggling to access essential care, State Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara)  introduced legislation Feb. 7 to develop a master…

Friendship Center adult day services in Montecito update for Feb. 1 — Festival of Hearts — The Emerald City on Feb. 9

Click here for the entire e-newsletter   Click here to purchase tickets   And here’s a sneak peek at our auction packages:   Emerald City trip–Change of plan! Instead of being limited to the Emerald City of Seattle, chart your…

Feb. 22 — Ojai Library to present ‘Walking on Eggshells and Communicating with Adult Kids – A presentation by Judy Devore’

OJAI — Communications consultant, attorney, and senior peer counselor Judy Devore will visit the Ojai Library at 2 p.m. on Friday, February 22, 2019, to deliver a presentation titled “Walking on Eggshells and Communicating with Adult Kids.” Senior parents often feel…

Friendship Center of Santa Barbara update for Jan. 1 — Self-Care: New Year’s Resolution for Caregivers

Click here for the entire e-newsletter   About Us Programs For Caregivers Calendar of Activities Events Donate Contact Us Train Your Brain! CONNECTIONS Now Mondays & Wednesdays in Montecito: GOLETA 805-845-7442 Persons w/Memory Loss & Their Caregivers  2nd & 4th…

CSUCI Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) receives $25,000 boost from grant

CAMARILLO — Enrollment will begin right after the new year for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) for the spring semester with climate change, psychopathology, antebellum America and Sherlock Holmes among the offerings. CSUCI’s popular OLLI…

Bringing Awareness to Alzheimer’s: GranVida Tackles Alzheimer’s Head-On

In light of National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, GranVida Senior Living and Memory Care is bringing awareness to Alzheimer’s through their many memory care programs and services CARPINTERIA — Alzheimer’s is a difficult disease that affects the lives around the person…

Bilingual report: LIVEWell Resource Guide Wins National Award

VENTURA — The Ventura County Area Agency on Aging’s LIVEWell resource guide earned recognition from the 27th annual National Mature Media Awards, which honors the nation’s best marketing, communications, educational materials, and programs produced for older adults. LIVEWell was established…

Oct. 3 — 30th Annual Senior Expo of Santa Barbara. Free Health Screenings, Activities, and Exhibits for Seniors and Caregivers

SANTA BARBARA — Seniors and caregivers looking for one central place to get information about products and services to stay healthy and active will find it all at the Senior Expo of Santa Barbara, Wednesday October 3, 2018 from 9 a.m. to…

Assemblymember Irwin Bill to support LGBTQ aging signed by Governor Brown

SACRAMENTO – AB 2719, authored by Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin (D-Thousand Oaks), was signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown last week. This new law adds sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression to the definition of elderly communities to be given…