Category: News

Latino Leadership Award profile: Carmen Guerrero

Editor’s note: Amigos805 will be presenting a regular profile of the winners of El Concilio Family Services’ 2011 Latino Leadership Awards, to be presented March 26 in Oxnard. The awards this year focus on educators who make a difference in the…

Boys & Girls Club of Ventura seeks community speakers

The Boys & Girls Club of Ventura is seeking community leaders to “share their life experiences, skills, talents and what it takes to become contributing, happy citizens of the community” through the club’s twice weekly “Speakers Series,” Dr. Susanne Lammot,…

Latino Leadership Award profile: Javier Gomez

Editor’s note: Amigos805 will be presenting a regular profile of the winners of El Concilio Family Services’ 2011 Latino Leadership Awards, to be presented March 26 in Oxnard. The awards this year  focus on educators who make a difference in the…

Latino Links: Education Trends

By Frank X. Moraga / This is also a good time of year for Latinos to consider their educational options. Many organizations are accepting applications for scholarships and grants for would-be college students. recently published the release “Tips…

Young Leaders Society presenting Prom Dress Project

The Young Leaders Society has officially launched the annual Prom Dress Project, a prom dress recycling program for underprivileged students. The deadline to drop off prom dresses is Feb. 27, reported the Young Leaders Society, a program of the United…

Dr. Priscilla Partridge de Garcia to be featured workshop leader

Dr. Priscilla Partridge de Garcia, a Ventura County cinical psychologist, marriage and family therapist, will be a featured workshop leader for the March 11 USC Women’s Conference “Express, Encourage, Inspire”. She will be joining a plastic surgeon and a nutritionist…

MICOP seeking literacy tutors

The Mixtec Advisory Committee 2011 is seeking volunteers for its new community-wide literacy effort. “Many Mixtec adults were unable to complete significant schooling as children, and many are unable to write their names, addresses or basic information,” Margaret Sawyer, executive…

Rio Mesa’s Folklórico Club seeking donations

The Rio Mesa High School Folklórico Club is seeking donations to pay for costumes so the group can perform at the Rio Mesa Dance Show “Switch It Up,” on May 6, at the Oxnard Performing Arts Center. The club has previously…

Sister City Committee holding fundraiser Feb. 16

The Oxnard-Ocotlán Sister City  Committee is presenting a fundraiser to benefit visitation programs between the two cities from 4 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 16 at Yolanda’s Mexican Cafe, 1601 So. Victoria Ave., Oxnard. Yolanda’s will donate 20 percent of…

Latino Leadership Award profile: Elmelda P. Almanza

Editor’s note: Amigos805 will be presenting a regular profile of the winners of El Concilio Family Services’ 2011 Latino Leadership Awards, to be presented March 26 in Oxnard. The awards this year  focus on educators who make a difference in the…

Teatro de las Américas presents Actors’ workshop in Spanish

Teatro de las Américas is presenting an Actors’ Workshop in Spanish for persons of all ages, no experience needed. Beginning Thursday, March 3, the workshop will meet from 7 to 10 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays at Teatro de las Américas’…

Mexican Consulate offering free Spanish-language textbooks

The government of México is presenting its “The 2011 Free Spanish Textbooks Program” to local educators and educational institutions, the Mexican Consulate in Oxnard reported this week. “This is a important tool for educators who are looking to improve their relationship…

CSUCI’s program seeks to make parks relevant to diverse youth community

California State University, Channel Islands working with National Parks Service in increase access Minority youth often have little history using parks for recreation and other outdoor activities. To reverse that trend, the National Parks Service Foundation is teaming up with…

Commentary: The ebb and flow of immigration to the U.S.

By Frank X. Moraga / The number of undocumented immigrants coming the U.S. remained virtually unchanged in 2010 (11.2 million) over the prior year, according to new estimates by the Pew Hispanic Center. While the report focused on the…

Garcia Boxing Academy receives van from Barber Ford

Photo courtesy of the Robert Garcia Boxing Academy A custom van with a special van wrap mural was donated by Barber Ford in Ventura to the Robert Garcia Boxing Academy during a ceremony held Feb. 3 at the academy in…

Oxnard celebrates swearing in of new police chief

By Jess Gutierrez / Special to Amigos805 “It’s nice to say ‘chief,’ and it’s a female,” said Oxnard Councilwoman and Mayor Pro Tem Irene Pinkard loudly during the recent swearing in of Oxnard’s new Police Chief Jeri Williams, the first…

California Strawberry Festival awards scholarships

The non-profit California Strawberry Festival has awarded $6,000 in scholarships to deserving students throughout Ventura County, Sumiko Kato reported recently. Kato is a board member and scholarship chairman of the Dr. Kato Scholarship Award Committee. Giving back is a part of the…

Rio School District accepting applications

The Rio School District is accepting applications for open enrollment, intra-district transfers Feb. 1 through March 1, the district reported in a media release. Intra-district transfers are transfers requested by resident district students who wish to enroll at a school site other…

Young Leaders Society holding mixer Jan. 27

The Young Leaders Society will hold its Post Holiday Mixer from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 27 at the Carnegie Art Museum, 424 So. C St., Oxnard. Reservations are due by Jan. 25. For more information, contact Pedro A.…

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. march photo gallery

Photos courtesy of Jess Gutierrez Photo slideshow by Mariana Llamas-Cendon / Amigos805 Hundreds of participants attended a march in Oxnard on Jan. 17 honoring the 25th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. The march began at Oxnard’s historic…

Seminar for small businesses starting Jan. 22 in Santa Barbara

“Seminarios para Negocios Pequeños — 2011” (Seminars for Small Businesses) will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays, Jan. 22, 29, Feb. 5, 12 at Santa Barbara City College, Wake Center Auditorium, 300 No. Turnpike Road, Santa Barbara. Topics include finanzas, impuestos, mercadotecnia, fl…

Oxnard resident wins Ventura Music Festival’s Student Jazz Competition

Oxnard resident Rachel Flowers, 17, earned top honors at the Ventura Music Festival’s annual Student Jazz Competition held Jan. 16 at Ventura’s Laurel Theatre, the festival reported in a media release. Flowers was awarded both the opportunity to play on stage with Cuban jazz…

Hundreds march in Oxnard in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

By Jess Gutierrez Hundreds marched from Oxnard’s Plaza Park to the Oxnard Performing Arts Center on Monday, Jan. 17 to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the federal holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Under sunny warm weather, families, individuals,…

Board of Supervisors make history with appointment

For the first time in about 100 years, a Latino citizen, John Zaragoza, was appointed vice chair of the Ventura County Board of Supervisors. The appointment was made at the Jan. 11 Board of Supervisors meeting. Adolfo Camarillo, the only…

1,300 children celebrate Reyes Magos in Santa Barbara

Nearly 1,300 children were able to receive gifts thanks to donations made for “El Día de los Reyes Magos” celebration held Saturday, Jan. 8 at the Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe in Santa Barbara. The event was organized by…

Immigration, financial information forum set for Jan. 19

The Mexican Consulate in Oxnard reported that an immigration and financial information forum will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Jan. 19, 26 and Feb. 2 in Ventura County. An informational forum on immigration will be held Jan. 19…

CSU Channel Islands receives Carnegie Community Engagement award

CSU Channel Islands was recently selected as one of 115 institutions nationwide chosen by the Carnegie Foundation to receive its 2010 Community Engagement Classification, university officials reported this week in a media release. This is an elective classification which recognizes exemplary…

Student jazz finalists to compete Jan. 16 in Ventura

Five finalists of the Ventura Music Festival’s Student Jazz Competition will perform at 3 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 16 at the Laurel Theater, 1006 E. Main St., Ventura. The students are competing to win scholarships and the opportunity to perform with…

AIDS partnership seeks dancers

The Ventura County AIDS partnership is seeking dancers for the “Rhythms of Life: Dance for AIDS”  celebration on May 21. More than 300 guests were entertained by a cast of 100 performers and volunteers last year during an event designed to…

El Concilio names award winners

Carmen Guerrero, Javier Gomez and Art Hernandez are among a group of educators selected as winners of El Concilio de Condado de Ventura’s 2011 Latino Leadership Awards to be presented March 26 in Oxnard The awards focus this year on…

Latinos gaining in political power nationwide

Key swing states seeing growth of Latino population By Frank X. Moraga / Amigos805 Latino voters are playing a big role in states that gained congressional seats and Electorial College votes, according to a report released this week by the Pew…

Promotoras y Promotores holding Zumba health event Jan. 8

The Promotoras y Promotores Foundation is inviting the public to participate in its first Zumba Health event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 8 at Casa del Mexicano, 218 So. 11th St., Santa Paula. The exercise event is…

Sugar Beets holding New Year’s Eve celebration

Reservations are strongly suggested for the New Year’s Eve Extravaganza at Sugar Beets Restaurant, 255 So. A St., Oxnard, co-owner Lupe Ledesma reported recently. The event, starting at 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 31, features a plated dinner created by Chef…

Toy donations sought for S.B.’s Reyes Magos celebration

Donations of toys are being accepted  for the Reyes Magos celebration that will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 8 at the Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe in Santa Barbara, the Mexican Consulate in Oxnard reported…

De Colores holding closing reception Dec. 30

Andrea Vargas-Mendoza will be one of the guest artists attending the closing reception for the De Colores Art Exhibit from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 30 at the Santa Paula Art Museum, 117 No. 10th St., Santa Paula. The…

Students, educators honored at Rio School District luncheon

Thirty-five 4th- through 8th-grade students were recognized as role models to their peers and adults at the Rio School District’s Inspirational Student Recognition Program Luncheon, the district reported in a media release. The students recognized at the luncheon include Victoria…

Grateful CSU Channel Islands alum returns to campus with a gift

CSU Channel Islands has received a special gift this holiday season when one of its oldest graduating students presented a check to benefit the university’s  Chicana/o Studies program. When she was 80 years old, Antonia DiLiello graduated from CSU Channel…

FOOD Share holds holiday open house Dec. 21

FOOD Share will host a holiday open house from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Dec. 21 at 4156 Southbank Road, Oxnard. The open house is in support of the organization’s Tackle Hunger food campaign and a way to thank the community…

Oxnard College Fire Academy cadets attend graduation

Time to cool things off. Oxnard College Regional Fire Academy cadets, Battalion 34, had their Fall Semester graduation on Dec. 12 at the college’s Camarillo Airport Fire Technology facility. Battalion 34 graduated 35 cadets. Congratulating the cadets were members of…

Children benefit from Posada Book Drive

CSU Channel Islands professor Kathleen Contreras reads from her book, “Braids/Trencitas,” during the annual Posada Holiday Book Drive held Dec. 9, 2010 at Ruby’s Cafe in Oxnard. Books collected before and during the event will be donated to Mercy Ministries,…

Ventura Music Festival announces 2011 performers, artists

Artists and admirers gathered during the preview reception for the 2011 Ventura Music Festival held Dec. 8 at the Museum of Ventura County, Ventura. The event featured the introduction of the festival’s 17th season performers and artists by Nuvi Mehta,…

Jan. 3 is deadline for California Strawberry Festival poster contest

Entries are being accepted through Jan. 3 for the annual California Strawberry Festival poster contest, with the winner awarded $2,000, organizers reported this week. The poster will be used in marketing and advertising, as well as printed on collectible T-shirts…

University students organize holiday gift drive to benefit Casa Pacifica

Student Government at CSU Channel Islands has organized a holiday gift drive to benefit 430 children who are residents at Casa Pacifica in Camarillo. Casa Pacifica provides a home, school and treatment facility for abused, neglected and severely emotionally disturbed…

Rodney Fernandez retiring from Cabrillo Economic Development Corp.

Rodney Fernandez, executive director of Cabrillo Economic Development Corp., will be retiring at the end of 2011, the organization reported this week. “We sincerely appreciate the excellent leadership that Rodney has provided to CEDC since 1981,” Roy Jasso, president of…