MOORPARK — Do you want to speak with others in English? Do you want to advance in your career or go to college? Come to Moorpark College! We’re offering free English as a Second Language classes. Please contact Daniela Guevara…
Category: Locales
Bilingual report: Human Services Agency to Host Free Tax Preparation Assistance
VENTURA — Concerned about filing your taxes? The Human Services Agency is partnering with the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA) to offer free tax preparation assistance to individuals and families with earnings up to $55,000 in 2018. Staffed by a…
Bilingual report: Effort launched to transition county drivers to electric vehicles
VENTURA — The Community Environmental Council (CEC), the Central Coast Clean Cities Coalition, the Ventura County Regional Energy Alliance, and the Air Pollution Control Districts of San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties are launching “Electric Drive 805.” The new…
Consulado de México en Oxnard announces Calendario 2019 de Consulado Moviles Jornadas Sabatinas y Dominicales
OXNARD — El Consulado de México en Oxnard has announced its Calendario 2019 de Consulado Moviles Jornadas Sabatinas y Dominicales. Click on images for more information.
Bilingual report: Clinicas del Camino Real Inc. hosting Dental Health Fair on Feb. 16 in honor of National Children’s Dental Health Month
OXNARD — February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. If you have a baby or toddler, you may have questions about thumb sucking, your child’s first dental visit or how and when to clean your child’s teeth. If so, on…
Bilingual report: Deadline Extended to Apply for FEMA Disaster Assistance
SACRAMENTO — The deadline for California wildfire survivors to register for federal assistance has been extended to Thursday, Jan. 31, 2019. Disaster grants from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are available to eligible homeowners and renters impacted by the mid-November…
Bilingual report: After Applying for FEMA Assistance, it’s Important to Keep in Touch
SACRAMENTO — Immediately after a disaster, keeping in touch with family is important. It’s also important to keep in touch with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) after you have registered for disaster assistance. Many survivors of the November wildfires…
Bilingual report: Food benefits now available for Ventura County wildfire victims
SACRAMENTO –The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) today announced that, as part of the continuing disaster recovery effort, individuals and families impacted by the wildfires in Ventura County may be eligible to receive one month of Disaster CalFresh food…
Bilingual report: Ventura County Health Care Agency Discovers Vaccine & Medications Ineffective and Launches Remedy
VENTURA COUNTY — Ventura County Health Care Agency Discovers Vaccine & Medications Ineffective and Launches Remedy. Click here for the English-language version Click here for the Spanish-language version
Bilingual report: Deadline for Woolsey Fire victims to apply for Individual Assistance from FEMA is Jan. 11
THOUSAND OAKS — The deadline for residents affected by the Woolsey or Hill fires to apply for Individual Assistance through the Federal Emergency Management Agency is January 11, 2019. Residents can apply online or at the Disaster Recovery Center FEMA…
Supervisors further expand assistance for victims of the Hill and Woolsey fires
VENTURA — The Board of Supervisors at their Dec. 4 meeting took additional steps to assist county residents affected by the Hill and Woolsey fires. In these three latest actions, the Board voted unanimously to establish a local debris removal…
Bilingual report: November 6, 2018 Statewide General Election Final Results and Certification Announced
VENTURA — Ventura County Clerk-Recorder, Registrar of Voters Mark Lunn announced today the final election results for the November 6, 2018 Statewide General Election with 100% of precincts reporting. A total of 313,871 ballots were cast in this election. 63.28% of…
Abre Centro de Recuperación por Desastres del Estado/FEMA en la ciudad de Thousand Oaks
SACRAMENTO — Un Centro de Recuperación por Desastre (DRC, por sus siglas en inglés) en la ciudad de Thousand Oaks abrirá el lunes, 26 de noviembre. El centro es operado por La Oficina de Servicios de Emergencia de California (Cal…
Bilingual report: County/City recovery partnership extends Local Assistance Center through Nov. 25
VENTURA — The County of Ventura and the City of Thousand Oaks will extend operation of the Local Assistance Center at the Thousand Oaks Grant R. Brimhall Library through Sunday at 5 p.m. Located at 1401 E. Janss Road in…
Bilingual report: Ventura County to provide recovery information at community meeting (Nov. 17) for Bell Canyon residents affected by the Woolsey fire
VENTURA — The County of Ventura will provide fire recovery information at a community meeting for Bell Canyon residents who have been affected by the recent fires. The meeting will take place: Saturday, November 17, 1:00 p.m. Bell Canyon Community…
Bilingual report: Wildfire smoke and face masks being distributed in Ventura County
VENTURA COUNTY — Due to continuing unhealthy air conditions resulting from the fires affecting Ventura County, free particulate respirators (N-95 masks) are being distributed / distribución as part of a coordinated effort of the Ventura County Public Health Department, Emergency Medical Services…
Bilingual commentary: More than 50 percent of Latinos in California lack health insurance
Latinos in California represent more than half of Californians who lack health insurance and Open Enrollment period is critical for those looking to enroll in, or change, their current health insurance plans. A recent survey from Dignity Health – one of the…
CSUCI’s California Institute for Social Business helps create a social business center in Tijuana, Mexico
CAMARILLO — After hearing about CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI)’s California Institute for Social Business (CISB), educators from the Universidad Autonoma de Baja California (UABC) asked for help setting up a social business center of their own. “They had heard about the CISB and…
Consulado de Mexico en Oxnard — Día de los Muertos 2018
View this email in your browser OXNARD – – Te invitamos a descargar el archivo PDF adjunto que contiene una selección de música, películas, libros y recetas que nuestros especialistas recomiendan para ante de morir. Descarga aqui
Bilingual report — Ventura County Clerk-Recorder, Registrar of Voters Offers Helpful Tips for November 6 Statewide General Election
VENTURA — Based on record voter registration, the Ventura County Elections Division anticipates a good voter turnout for the Statewide General Election on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. Poll voters are encouraged to vote at their assigned polling place location during…
Bilingual report: Public Health officials report TB exposure case at Oxnard High School
VENTURA COUNTY — Ventura County Public Health (VCPH) officials have identified a case of Tuberculosis (TB) disease, at Oxnard High School (OHS). In June, public health officials also responded to a TB exposure involving a middle school in the El Rio…
7 de diciembre — Talleres de Servicios de Empleo
Location: West County America’s Job Center 2901 N. Ventura Rd., 3rd Floor, Oxnard 805-204-5171 Diciembre 7 – 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – Tecnicas para la Busqueda de Trabajo (Job Search Techniques), Esta diseñada para personas que estan buscando empleo. Los…
11 de diciembre — WEV Presenta una Celebración de Pequeños Negocios
Compra. Conectate. Celebra. 11 de diciembre, 5 a 8 pm, 290 Maple Court, Suite 268, Ventura. Descubre tu nuevo negocio favorito en el Mercado “Compra Local.” Conéctate con nuestra comunidad de emprendedoras en nuestro Evento de Conexiones de Negocios. Celebra…
Consulado de México en Oxnard: Participal en el Reto de Altares IME
View this email in your browser Estimados amigos: El Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior (IME) invita a todas las personas mexicanas que residen en el extranjero a que nos compartan fotos de los Altares de Día de Muertos…
El Secretario-Registrador, Registrador de Votantes Lunn anuncia la fecha límite para inscribirse para las elecciones generales estatales del 6 de noviembre de 2018
VENTURA — El Secretario-Registrador, Registrador de Votantes del Condado de Ventura Mark Lunnanunció hoy la fecha límite para inscribirse para votar en un lugar de votación en las elecciones generales estatales del 6 de noviembre de 2018 es el lunes, 22 de octubre…
Bilingual report: Oct. 13 — VCCCD Hosts Districtwide Financial Aid Workshops at Moorpark, Oxnard, and Ventura Colleges
Cash for College workshops will be held to help ensure students complete the right paperwork and applications to receive money for college. CAMARILLO — Moorpark, Oxnard, and Ventura colleges will each host Cash for Collegeworkshops on Saturday, Oct. 13, 2018, 9…
CenCal Health: Un Modelo de Servicios Médicos Administrados en el Condado de Santa Bárbara desde 1983
Marcando su 35 º año, el plan de salud ahora sirve a 1 de cada 4 residentes del condado de Santa Bárbara, y 1 de cada 5 del condado de San Luis Obispo. Reconocido por Harvard por innovar el programa de…
La Fundación del Colegio de Ventura presenta un nuevo año de matrícula sin cargo para el segundo año Programa de Promesa de VC “VC Promise”
VENTURA – – En su reunión del 26 de septiembre, la Junta Directiva de la Fundacion del Colegio de Ventura aprobó la financiación de un programa llamado la Promesa del Colegio (VC) el cual los estudiantes del Colegio de Ventura…
Consulado de México en Oxnard — ‘Semana de Igualdad de Género
View this email in your browser La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO), la cual ha compartido un informe sobre igualdad de género, en donde también se define claramente la equidad de género. Igualdad de…
Bilingual report: County of Ventura launches webpage for unclaimed property tax refunds
VENTURA — The Ventura County Auditor-Controller is pleased to announce a new webpage for Unclaimed Property Tax Refunds: Taxpayers can access a listing of unclaimed property tax refunds and instructions on how to file a claim for a refund. Property tax…
Bilingual report: Nov. 4 — County Hosts Work Session to Discuss General Plan Update Alternatives Report and Policy Topics
VENTURA — The public is invited to attend the joint Ventura County Board of Supervisors/Planning Commission Work Session No. 4 on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 at 1:00 p.m., on the General Plan Update Alternatives Report. Staff will be presenting the Alternatives…
Nov. 18 — Bilingual report: Health Fair in Santa Barbara
SANTA BARBARA — A Health Fair will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 227 N. Nopal St., Santa Barbara. Free health screenings, resource tables, entertainment, activities for the entire family. Click on…
Bilingual report: City of Oxnard — Carnegie Art Museum Upcoming Exhibits
EXHIBITIONS: through – Nov. 18, 2018 World View / Cosmovisión Impactful visions of SoCal artists’ contemporary world views, featuring paintings, drawings, and photographs by: Abel Alejandre, Pável Acevedo, Val Echavarria and Ricardo Rodríguez. Alejandre’s incredibly rendered graphite and acrylic drawings…
Bilingual report: Clerk-Recorder, Registrar of Voters Lunn Announces Plans for September 25 National Voter Registration Day Event
VENTURA — Ventura County Clerk–Recorder, Registrar of Voters Mark A. Lunn announced plans to host a National Voter Registration Day event on September 25, 2018, to register voters in Ventura County and encourage participation in future elections. Lunn stated, “The Statewide…
Bilingual commentary: The Storm in the Catholic Church
Editor’s note: Amigos805 welcomes local guest columns, letters to the editor and other submissions from our readers. All opinions expressed in submitted material are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of Amigos805. By David Magallanes •…
Bilingual report: Ventura County Medical Examiner receives donation to increase body storage capacity
VENTURA — The Office of the Ventura County Medical Examiner has received a $24,500 donation from the Kaiser Permanente Foundation to increase the office’s body storage capacity in the event of a mass fatality incident or disaster. “The Medical Examiner…
Sept. 22 — Bilingual report: Fall Prevention Awareness Day Provides Reminder for Parents & Caregivers
VENTURA COUNTY — The annual Falls Prevention Awareness Day (FPAD), September 22, raises awareness about how to prevent fall-related injuries among older adults. Ventura County Public Health’s Safe Kids Coalition would also like to raise the awareness of unnecessary falls among children.…
Bilingual report: Feb. 7 — Righetti High School to hold Warrior Welcome Night
WELCOME TO OUR INCOMING FRESHMEN! RIGHETTI HIGH SCHOOL Invites you to attend WARRIOR WELCOME NIGHT February 7, 2019 @ 5:30pm/Gym Come early for some BBQ by FFA ~ Tri-Tip Sandwich Meal for $10— Includes Chips and Drink— 5:30 – 6:15pm…