Recuerde el sábado abierto solo para la asistencia a la solicitud de ciudadanía.
Recientemente anunciado, USCIS está volviendo a la prueba cívica de 2008. No espere en comenzar su solicitud de ciudadanía.
As we turn a seasonal corner, and start to shed the pandemic gloom, spring fever is in the air throughout all the communities we serve along the Central Coast. Spirits are lifting, economic relief is hitting mail boxes, and nature is blossoming all around.
This past week was dominated by the American Rescue Plan Act – there is much good news there, and multiple benefits will accrue to many of our residents. Direct stimulus checks will help make up for reduced incomes, lost jobs, and to assist those raising families. An upside of living through this past year has been seeing our existing, and new stakeholders, all stepping up their support to meet these increased needs. What a testament to people helping people!
The County of Ventura will move to the State’s Red Tier beginning 12:01 am Wednesday, March 17, 2021.“This is great news for our community and an opportunity to work together to support our local businesses as we move forward in reopening our economy,” said County Executive Officer, Michael Powers.
In alignment with the state’s reopening framework, masking, distancing and infection control practices remain in place.
At (March 16)’s Board of Supervisors hearing, we received a COVID-19 update from the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department. Some very positive news was shared, which is cause for celebration. However, while the winter surge we experienced is now over, we have to stay vigilant collectively as a county so we can continue to see a decline in cases and other metrics, especially with spring break on the horizon.
Our adjusted case rate is 7.7 and positivity rate is 3.3. Effective at 8:00 am tomorrow, Wednesday, 3/17, Santa Barbara County is now in the Red Tier. As a reminder, the following sector changes apply in the Red Tier according to the Blueprint for a Safer Economy. The state has reached its first health equity vaccine goal of vaccinating 2 million persons in the hardest hit communities in our state and our cases fall between 4-10 cases per 100,000 population.
More public schools will be reopening to in-person instruction now that Ventura County is moving to the less restrictive red tier in the State’s coronavirus monitoring system. The move from the purple to the red tier will take effect this Wednesday as COVID-19 rates decline in Ventura County and after the State eased the threshold to switch tiers because of increasing vaccination levels.
The change opens the door for schools that had not reopened the last time the County was in the red tier to do so at all grade levels, including middle and high school. Most schools that open to in-person instruction use hybrid schedules that include some time on distance learning. This is necessary because social distancing requirements prevent many schools from bringing all students back to class in-person full time.
United Way of Santa Barbara County’s (UWSBC) annual Fun in the Sun (FITS) summer learning program returns June 21st through July 30th and is now accepting applications for staff and local students to participate. The free six week program will address summer learning loss and COVID-19 learning loss through academic and social emotional programming.
UWSBC is anticipating an in-person program at all six sites depending on COVID-19 mandates. Students will engage in academic rotations focused on literacy and STEAM (Science, technology, engineering, arts and math) as well as participate in social, emotional and mental wellness activities. Should COVID-19 conditions worsen, UWSBC will provide a virtual program.
Hospice of Santa Barbara (HSB) has been providing financial support to over 100 COVID-19 positive lower income patients and their families in a special partnership with Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics.
It has been particularly difficult for these families as they experience the multi-pronged impacts of a life-threatening virus including losing work and income while quarantining to protect the rest of us by remaining home. Imagine complying with CDC guidelines by staying at home while, at the same time, being unable to pay for groceries and other essentials for your family. These are families that have been hardest hit by the pandemic and they’re trying their best to be safe under difficult conditions that none of us could have predicted.
The Foundation of VCCU, a philanthropic nonprofit organization established by Ventura County Credit Union (VCCU), gave a total of $31,000 in grants to eight local nonprofit organizations.
The grant recipients included the Boys & Girls Club of Camarillo, El Concilio Family Services, People’s Self-Help Housing, Project Bicycle Love, Ventura College Foundation, Ventura County Area Agency on Aging and Westminster Free Clinic. The nonprofits will use the grant money to support a wide variety of programs and services that benefit the Ventura County community.
Tax season is upon us and low- to moderate-income Ventura County residents are encouraged to take advantage of ways to put more money back in their pocket with the help of United Way of Ventura County’s (UWVC) Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA).
Through April 30, 2021, trained VITA volunteer tax preparers will help working families and individuals file their state and federal tax return and access the tax credits to which they are eligible. Households earning up to $57,000 in 2020 are eligible to use the free services.
While all population groups were affected by the COVID-19 surge from the summer through the winter of 2020?2021, California’s Latino population was among the hardest hit. Looking at increases in age-specific death rates, we can appreciate how many more Latinos than non-Hispanic whites (NHW) in every age group were killed by COVID-19. …
The surge from the summer through the winter of 2020?2021 affected all racial/ethnic groups, but it hit California’s Latinos particularly hard. In every age group, the disparity between Latino and non-Hispanic white death rates remained roughly the same throughout this period, ranging from two times to seven times as high, depending on age.
California. Considering how much the Santa Paula Art Museum has learned and benefited from women creatives, we think the two celebrations coincide perfectly. Thank you to all of the amazing women who support the Museum; that includes our women artists, docents, donors, teachers, board members, and our all female staff.
Scroll down to see all of the ways that we are honoring women artists this month and in the year ahead. We are also looking forward to announcing the Museum’s reopening date in the coming weeks!*
*The Santa Paula Art Museum remains temporarily closed to the general public in accordance with COVID restrictions. Please call or email the Museum to make a private viewing appointment.
Channel your inner mermaid and take in all things Mermaid during Ventura Harbor Village’s 6th Annual March Mermaid Month, a mer-mazing salute that honors the mystical aquatic creatures of the sea.
With Spring right around the corner, now is the ideal time to visit, as the Ventura Harbor Village kicks off this annual promotion with a month-long myriad of re-imagined activities. Mermaids and merman of all ages can enjoy special seaside offerings including themed mermaid/man merchandise, original artwork, eats and treats, fresh seafood and savory fish offerings from Ventura Harbor Villages top seafood restaurants, and a host of month-long specials from locally owned retailers and attractions.
The Channel Islands Maritime Museum (CIMM) is happy to announce its April event/contest as part of its continuing 30th anniversary year celebration and Earth Day.
The Museum is calling for mini “eco-boat” contest entries which are boats that utilize recyclable or compostable materials. Entries should be no larger than 24” in length. Winning entries will be chosen based on the most creative use of materials. Wood, paper, glass, aluminum, cardboard, and plant fibers (including cotton fabric, canvas, hemp, non-nylon rope, etc.) are all acceptable materials. Plastics and foams may not be used in the construction of boats. Prizes will be awarded in four age categories: Adults (18 years and older), Young Adults (13-17 years of age), Kids (7-12 years of age), and Kids (6 years and under).
The VC Mobile Library distributes Face Mask Kits to children and families thanks to a partnership with the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging. Kits contain face masks, hand sanitizer, COVID-19 safety and good hygiene information, a resource guide for coping with COVID and where to find help. Brothers, Luis and Sebastian recently enjoyed selecting new books from the Mobile Library. They are smiling behind those masks! Learn more about the Ventura County Library at the following link:
Nearly 2 1/2 years after the Woolsey Fire destroyed hundreds of homes in Southern California, many families are still impacted by the fire. On March 2, over $330,000 in gift cards was distributed to 88 families as they continue to recover from the fire. The funds were granted to the Southeast Ventura County YMCA by the Ventura County Community Foundation and distributed by California Strong, a program of the Y that provides financial support to victims after disasters. The grant money was distributed at the Yarrow Family YMCA in Westlake Village.
“It was our hope to reconnect with our California Strong family who survived the Woolsey Fire in 2018 and to be supportive of their continued recovery,” says California Strong Director Mollie Vehling. “Hosting the drive-thru distribution was an incredible opportunity to not only share resources, but to share smiles, listening ears, positive energy and love. Their struggle over the past 2 years and 3 months has been hard, but this was a happy day.”
Today is International Women’s Day, a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. In honor of this day, we’d like to honor the matriarch of United Way, Frances Wisebart Jacobs.
In 1887, Jacobs and other Denver faith-based community leaders put together an idea that became the nation’s first united campaign, benefitting 10 local health and welfare agencies. These leaders created an organization to collect the funds for local charities, to coordinate relief services, to counsel and refer clients to cooperating agencies, and to make emergency assistance grants for cases that could not be referred. That year, Denver raised $21,700 for this greater good and created a movement that would become United Way.
Clinicas del Camino Real, Inc. will be expanding vaccination efforts to their Maravilla Health Center, located at 450 Clara St. Oxnard CA 93033, in South Oxnard this weekend. A total of 1,000 vaccines will be administered to Clinicas’ patients Saturday March 6, and Sunday March 7, from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Walk-ups will not be accepted at this particular event as all availabilities have been electronically reserved by eligible patients.
The Community Environmental Council is hosting an Affordable Electric Vehicle Clinic on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. as part of CEC’s Climate Action Webinar Series. This free webinar will be presented in English with Spanish translation.
Join CEC’s Energy and Climate Programs Director Michael Chiacos and CEC’s Energy and Climate Associate Jen Hernández – both EV owners and industry experts – to learn which 100+ mpge electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid might be best for you. Michael will share his experience driving on sunshine since 2012. Jen, who recently leased an EV for $20/month, will share why the decision to drive electric was an easy choice for her family.
COVID-19 Vaccines are available for adults age 65 and older, healthcare, food and agriculture, education and childcare, emergency services and qualifying regional center family caregivers. More information at the following link:
Appointments open each week on Mondays at 7 am online am on the phone line for those with limited internet access:
?If you have limited internet access you can also call the registration hotline at 805-477-7161. The phone line is staffed M-F 8-5. Appointments are set aside for both online registration and the phone line.
The Area Agency on Aging provides transportation services for older adults that are in need of transportation to a vaccine appointment or for COVID-19 testing. This includes people that need lift assist as well as gurney transportation. The driver will take the individual, wait for them, help them at the site and take them home. To schedule a ride call 805-477-7300. Please note, you must have a vaccine appointment before you schedule a ride to a vaccine site.
The Santa Barbara County Food Action Network (SBCFAN) is pleased to announce Kiah Jordan as Chair to its Executive Committee. SBCFAN’s Executive Committee is comprised of a broad spectrum of community leaders who drive the work of the organization and act as ambassadors to advocate and network on behalf of SBCFAN.
Jordan is the founder of Impact Family Office, a multi-family office serving clients as guides, advisors, and trustees. Before starting Impact Family Office, he worked for Santa Barbara Capital, a real estate investment firm, and with clients in the wine industry, tech sectors, and international manufacturing. Jordan graduated from Westmont College with degrees in Economics/Business and Spanish, and received a Master’s degree in Social Entrepreneurship from USC’s Marshall School of Business. He is a National Certified Guardian by the Center for Guardianship Certification and a licensed Professional Fiduciary by the California Professional Fiduciaries Bureau.
COVID-19 Vaccines are available for adults age 65 and older, healthcare, food and agriculture, education and childcare, emergency services and qualifying regional center family caregivers. More information at the following link:
More appointments are available at this time. Register at
In the nearly one year since the pandemic was declared in March 2020, the people most directly affected in South Oxnard have been farmworkers and their families – food access is critical for those whose jobs and health have been impacted. Many efforts have sprouted to help provide food and COVID-19 resources and relief, and Oxnard’s Southwinds Neighborhood Council has been holding weekly food distributions. Saturday’s Southwinds event, in collaboration with the Port of Hueneme, its customers and other partners, marked the Port’s 45th food distribution event, as they continue to be committed to community.
Island Packer Cruises, established in 1968, has recently begun to operate daily scheduled trips for day visitors and campers from Ventura Harbor Village to Scorpion Anchorage in Channel Islands National Park – The Galapagos of North America.
The new pier at Scorpion Anchorage now allows Island Packers, the official park concessionaire, to offers safe and accessible access at Scorpion Anchorage.
The County of Ventura (on Feb. 24) announced a new goal of providing school employees with their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by the end of March, which is significantly sooner than had originally been anticipated. This will be accomplished by working with local health care providers to administer vaccinations to educators in addition to using the County’s existing vaccination infrastructure.
“We are very gratified to see that the people who work in our schools are receiving high priority for vaccinations in Ventura County,” said Dr. Cesar Morales, Deputy Superintendent for the Ventura County Office of Education. “A fully functioning school system is one of the keys to getting our lives back to normal. The sooner we can get school employees vaccinated, the sooner we will be able to bring all of our students back to the classroom,” he said.
Nutrition knowledge and essential food help arrived for 150 Santa Maria Joint Union High School District families when the SMJUHSD Multilingual and Migrant Education Program (MMEP) held a Health and Wellness Drive-thru Fair at the Santa Maria High School student parking lot on Saturday, February 20.
MMEP along with community organizations from Mixteco Indigena Community Organization Project (MICOP), Community Health Centers (CHC), Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo (CAPSLO), Center for Employment Training (CET), and the Food Bank of Santa Barbara County offered families free information packets. Organization packets included information on health, dental, rental assistance, healthy food choices, COVID. Families also received hygiene kits, groceries/produce and pan dulce.
Join us for the second installment of MCASB’s Collectors Series, a behind-the-scenes dive into the many facets of collecting art.
On Thursday, March 4, Vivian Brodie, Associate Vice President, Specialist, working in Private Sales at Christie’s in New York will lead a walkthrough and discussion of the Post-War to Present Day Sale. This exclusive walkthrough will offer an early glimpse of the exciting work on sale, including artists Elaine de Kooning, Ruth Asawa, Henry Taylor, Beatriz Milhazes, and Titus Kaphar, and will provide insight into how to work with an auction house.
Post-War to Present jumpstarts Christie’s Spring 2021 auction season in New York with artwork spanning the Post-War era to the most celebrated contemporary artists of today. Click here to read more about this event.
Branches of the Southeast Ventura County YMCA are offering outdoor, in-person enrichment programs for preschoolers through age 11.
The Yarrow Family YMCA holds classes Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Preschoolers get moving with “Preschool Hip Hop” on Mondays and “Preschool Ballet” on Thursdays and Fridays. Storytime readings are from 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. on Thursdays.
Parents looking for creative after-school enrichment classes for their 5 to 11-year-olds can sign them up for “Theater Games” on Mondays, and “Move And Groove” and “Beginning Hip Hop” on Thursdays.
Ventura County has reached a COVID-19 case rate that allows all elementary schools to resume in-person instruction as early as today if they choose to do so and have taken required safety measures. At the same time, the County of Ventura will begin vaccinating teachers starting next Monday. “These two developments are encouraging steps in the effort to safely bring more students and teachers back to the classroom,” said Dr. Cesar Morales, Deputy Superintendent for the Ventura County Office of Education.
The State of California is launching an Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) to aid income-qualified tenants most at risk of eviction due to the COVID-19 pandemic and is calling on community-based organizations to sign up as partners to reach out to those who qualify.
In Ventura County, $52.2 million has been designated to assist households affected by COVID-19, with priority on those below the area median income and recently unemployed.
The Santa Maria High School FCCLA recently joined more than 182,000 members across the nation in raising awareness of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America and advocating for Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) during FCCLA Week.
Held annually during the second week of February in conjunction with Career and Technical Education Month, FCCLA Week celebrates the accomplishments of FCCLA and the positive impact FCS has on our society, according to Saint Teacher and Advisor Nicki Pedeliski.
The situation in Texas is dire. Dozens of people have died and countless more have been hospitalized for treatment from hypothermia and other effects of freezing weather. Electric power for millions has been knocked out. This has left people trapped in their homes without power for heating or a way to cook meals. Major water supplies have gone dry as sources and pipelines have frozen. The situation has led to alerts for residents to boil all remaining drinking water. Seniors are at especially high risk, along with patients operating medical equipment at home and are now using portable generators. Many food stores and gas stations are unable to meet the demand for essential items or fuel.
Please help us rush assistance to the worst affected areas of Texas. Donate what you can and ask others to do the same.
Assemblymembers Steve Bennett (D-Ventura), Robert Rivas (D-Holister) and Senator Monique Limon (D-Santa Barbara), introduced legislation today to establish a state-wide grant program for counties to create farmworker resource centers.
“The Covid pandemic demonstrated how valuable it was to have county employees who have developed trusted relationships with this important community,” said Assemblymember Bennett, “and the agriculture industry and the State of California need farmworkers who feel valued respected and supported. There are so many things for low-income non-native speakers to navigate. The Farmworker Resource program can help them tremendously.”
February is National Children’s Dental Health month. Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease and unmet need of children in California. More than 50% of California’s kindergartners have a history of dental decay. Nearly 25% of California’s children, ages 0-11, have never been to a dentist. When children don’t get the care they need, there are costs to taxpayers and families – the cost of emergency room visits for preventable dental problems and missed school days resulting in a loss of attendance-based school district funding.
Through the Building Healthy Smiles Initiative, United Way and its partners work to reduce dental disease in Ventura County through education, care coordination, and advocacy. Our goal is to eliminate untreated tooth decay for children in Ventura County. Pre-pandemic, over 2,500 children received oral health assessments in 2019 alone.
Welcome to Our Winter 2021 Livable Communities Newsletter
As we recognized last quarter, COVID-19 is not only still with us, but it also casts a shadow over everything we think we know, including our understanding of the 3 Es that are the foundation of the Ventura County Civic Alliance: Economy, Environment, and Equity.
Therefore, it is still fitting that this quarter’s Livable Communities Newsletter explores different aspects of the 3 Es and Livable Communities in a COVID-19 world
Happy Valentine’s Day to You and Happy Anniversary to Us
We’ve said it before, but we find it so fitting that the Museum’s anniversary falls on Valentine’s Day–because we are so in love with this place! It has been eleven years since the doors of the Santa Paula Art Museum first opened, and we have only our supporters to thank for each and every year. Thank you for helping us to build and sustain a place where we can share our love–for the arts, for learning, and for our community.
This year, artist Anette Power is helping us to celebrate the Museum’s anniversary with a special addition to her recently unveiled virtual exhibit Silver Linings: Journey of Light. Scroll down for a small surprise!
The three branches of the Southeast Ventura County YMCA are taking early registrations for their summer day camps. Camps are from June 14 through August 13 at the Conejo Valley YMCA and Yarrow Family YMCA and from June 7 through August 6 at the Simi Valley Family YMCA. Discounted pricing will be in effect until April 1.
Campers can attend full time (five days a week) or part time (three days a week) for all nine weeks or selected weeks. At Simi Valley YMCA, summer camp is offered to K-5th graders and teen camp (Leadership-In-Training) is offered to 6th – 8th graders. At Yarrow Family YMCA and Conejo Valley YMCA, summer camp is offered to TK -5th graders and teen camp is offered to 5th – 8th graders.
Tax season is upon us and low- to moderate-income Ventura County residents are encouraged to take advantage of ways to put more money back in their pocket with the help of United Way of Ventura County’s (UWVC) Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA).
Throughout February to April 30, 2021, trained VITA volunteer tax preparers will help working families and individuals file their state and federal tax return and access the tax credits to which they are eligible. Households earning up to $57,000 in 2020 are eligible to use the free services.
Procter & Gamble local employees raised a record $162,000 from employee giving in addition to over $38,000 in special events, sponsorship and COVID-19 Rapid Response. In addition to giving, P&G employees volunteered their time by packing more than 1,560 Stuff the Bus backpacks and provided Welcome Home Holiday Baskets for families recently housed through United Way’s Landlord Engagement Program.
“The P&G Oxnard Plant is proud to partner with United Way to serve the most vulnerable in our community with this philanthropic support,” said Marvelle Berry, Plant Manger of Procter & Gamble Oxnard. “Our team really rose to the occasion with their engagement, innovation, and genorosity of gifts. P&G has a longstanding commitment in creating positive change locally in Ventura County and I am pleased with our collective impact.”
Right now is the time to apply for your Naturalization. The USCIS application processing fees may be going up soon so don’t delay. We currently have a grant from the state of California which may cover your service. In addition, we may be able to assist you with USCIS fee waiver application which would make your processing completely free of charge. This is a limited time offer please call to inquire.
The State of California has announced that places of worship can now offer services indoors following the industry guidance with modifications. Indoor activities must be limited to the State’s interim capacity of 25%.
View the guidance for places of worship at the following link:–en.pdf. The State has noted that the guidance is in the process of being updated. Once updated a new link will be shared.
We’re swinging into this weekend with huge smiles on our faces because we know you’re going to love the Museum’s newest virtual exhibit! Newbury Park artist Anette Power’s Silver Linings: Journey of Light is now online. Power’s exhibit is over two years in the making, and is a love letter to living even in the midst of great change and challenges.
Click here to enjoy the online exhibit. All of the artworks in the exhibit are available for purchase. Silver Linings will also be on view at the Santa Paula Art Museum when Ventura County museums are able to reopen to the public.*
After seemingly running an extensive disinformation campaign and spending close to a million dollars on contracted canvassers, the oil and gas industry succeeded in collecting enough signatures to pause Ventura County’s newly-won oil and gas regulations, and send them to the ballot instead, according to a media release by Climate First: Replacing Oil & Gas (CFROG).
America’s Teaching Zoo at Moorpark College will re-open Saturday, Feb. 6 just in time to celebrate the 7th birthday of Ira the lion, King of the Campus.
The community is invited to celebrate with Ira in-person or virtually. Ira’s birthday party will be live streamed from noon to 12:30 p.m. so people at home won’t miss a thing as in-person guests visit Ira in his new home, appropriately named “Ira’s Kingdom.”
The COVID-19 vaccine dashboard was launched on Friday to keep the community informed on the progress of administering COVID-19 vaccines. The dashboard is updated Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The data shows that in very simple terms “when we get it, we give it”. We want you to receive the vaccine as soon as possible. When we receive the vaccines, we open appointments and administer them.