Unbeknownst to most people some 20 years ago, a great war was being waged in our country. Only a small slice of the population, consisting mostly of educators, was actually involved in the battles, but the outcome of that war determined the academic fate of millions of students in our classrooms.
The Great Math Wars of the 1990s pitted the “reform advocates” against the “traditionalists.” It wasn’t until 2008 that a form of “cease-fire” was called, and cooler heads prevailed as compromise between the more extreme positions was hammered out.
Which brings us to today. A recent article on the front page of the Ventura County Star published on November 23, 2021, exposed the “shot across the bow” announcing the stirring of a new conflict. Unfortunately, that clash could merge effortlessly into the broad river we know as the “culture wars” that are shredding the fabric of our society and the very basis of our democracy.