Category: Business

Bilingual report — County of Ventura Launches Farmworker Household Assistance Program

he Ventura County Board of Supervisors on Sept. 1 approved the program design of the Farmworker Household Assistance Program, providing up to $250,000 in county general funds to match private donations made through the Ventura County Community Foundation.

The program aims to provide farmworkers financial relief from the impacts of COVID-19. Farmworkers may apply for this funding assistance from September 1 at 5 p.m. through September 30, 2020, at 11:59 p.m. at

Bilingual commentary — Minority Students and STEM Education

There will always be a special place in my heart for those students who pursue a solid math education. I once had—and continue to have—the same fascination as they have with the mysterious beauty of mathematics.

When I started teaching college mathematics several decades ago, Latinos in the field of math education were relatively rare.  In the more recent past, there has been a surge of interest in encouraging minority students to pursue classes in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fields. The technical sphere is where more lucrative careers beckon those who have the education and the wherewithal to survive the rigors of a STEM education.

County of Ventura Named #1 Digital County in the Nation by Center for Digital Government and National Association of Counties

This year’s first-place winners include:

? County of Ventura, Calif. (500,000 – 999,999 population category):
Ventura County made network upgrades to support its COVID-19 response on short notice. In addition, the county created partnerships to provide telemedicine to citizens, and the county’s Lean Six Sigma program and STEM for young women program have become county best practices.

Santa Barbara Art Museum — Shop Online and Support the Museum!

The Santa Paula Art Museum’s entire gift shop is now online. Shop a wide variety of gifts, including original art, accessories, cards, home decor, jewelry, and more. Place your order, and we’ll have your items ready for pickup within 48 hours.* Every purchase supports the nonprofit work of the Santa Paula Art Museum. Museum members receive 10% their entire order (just add the coupon code “Member” during checkout if you’re a current member).

Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Sept. 2

There are 33 new cases today (19 (57.6%) of which have a lab collection from August 25th or earlier), 643 additional people tested, and 0 additional deaths. Current doubling time is 89.6 days

The State has changed the monitoring metrics to a tiered system. Learn more by clicking here. Additional information from the California Department of Public Health can be found by clicking here.

Your hard work is paying off! Thank you Ventura County. Please continue to wear a mask (your masks protects you and others), social distance and please only gather with members of your household. Let’s work together to fight the spread of COVID-19.

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — Lots of Updates!

At today’s Board of Supervisors hearing, we received an update on COVID-19. In the past two weeks, we have experienced an 18% decrease in active cases and a 31% decrease in hospitalizations. This is encouraging news, but further underscores the importance of each of us continuing to do our part (washing hands, social distancing, and wearing masks) so that we can reduce our case numbers and graduate to Tier 2 of the new State framework as outlined below.

Oxnard Vagabond Inn Under Consideration for Project HomeKey Funding

The Vagabond Inn property, located in Oxnard, is under consideration for Project HomeKey Funding. Governor Newsom announced in July that $600 million in funding would become available to cities and counties across California to buy housing for Californians experiencing homelessness who are at high risk for serious illness from COVID-19. The Oxnard hotel is the first hotel in the County to be considered for the funding.

Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Sept. 1 — Voting Information

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, every voter will receive a Vote-by-Mail ballot for the November 3 Presidential General Election. Your ballot will be mailed to you on October 5 to promote safe voting at home. You do not need to request a Vote-by-Mail ballot.

Voters will not be assigned to a specific polling location. There will be 47 in-Person Voting Locations available throughout Ventura County open Saturday, October 31 through Election Day, November 3, for in person Voting Services and 33 secure ballot drop boxes open beginning October 6.

Smart Tags Coming to Ventura County Animal Services

Effective Tuesday, September 1, 2020, all new pet licenses purchased or renewed through Ventura County Animal Services will be powered by PetHub.  These state-of-the-art “Smart Tags” feature unique QR codes that, when scanned by a smartphone, displays contact information which the pet owner has specifically chosen to share.  Pet owners have full control over what information is provided to Good Samaritans who find their lost pet.

Jackson Bill to Require Fire-Safe Building Passes Assembly

As California battles devastating wildfires throughout the state, legislation by State Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson’s (D-Santa Barbara), to require fire-safe building passed the Assembly today. SB 182 puts in place standards and guidelines for building responsibly if and when building in very high fire risk areas. The bill will now go back to the Senate for a final concurrence vote before heading to the Governor.

County of Ventura COVID-19 Alert — State announces new blueprint for reducing COVID-19

The State of California announced a new blueprint for reducing COVID-19 in the state with revised criteria for loosening and tightening restrictions and activities.

Learn more at: Blueprint for a Safer Economy Click Here
Learn more about County Monitoring Click Here

Salons, Barbershops and Malls are able to reopen for indoor services beginning Monday, August 31. These sectors must follow the state issued industry guidance.

EDC Business Alert — Have you completed the 2020 Census?

This decennial Census has significant impact on our business community. The Census not only determines local funding for schools, hospitals, and infrastructure, but it also allocates money for direct business resources. As a business owner, you can consult the Census data to understand where cities are expanding and strategize investing in your current business or opening a new location. We encourage you to check in with your employees, friends, and community to ensure everyone is counted.

The EDC believes in the importance of completing the 2020 Census to improve the economic vitality of the businesses we serve and the region we support.

Do your part today. Stand up and be counted!
For more information, please visit Ventura County Counts.

Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Aug. 27 — Tu Voto Cuenta

¡Vota de forma segura desde casa este noviembre!

Debido a la pandemia del COVID-19, por ley, cada votante recibirá una papeleta de votación por correo para las Elecciones Generales del 3 de noviembre. Su papeleta de votación será enviada por correo el 5 de octubre para promover el voto seguro desde casa. Usted no necesita solicitar una papeleta de votación para Votar Por Correo.

Los votantes no serán asignados a ningún centro de votación. Habrá 47 centros de votación disponibles en todo el Condado de Ventura que abrirán el sábado 31 de octubre hasta el Día de Las Elecciones, el martes, 3 de noviembre. Las 33 cajas de entrega estarán disponibles el 6 de octubre hasta el Día de las Elecciones.

Attorney Karen L. Gabler Honored With San Fernando Valley Business Journal’s Valued Mentor Award

Karen L. Gabler, attorney with the Camarillo law firm LightGabler, was one of six professionals honored as a Valued Mentor of 2020 by the San Fernando Valley Business Journal. The honorees were announced at an August 20 virtual event.

This inaugural award was created to honor executives who mentor others in their profession and help ready the next generation of leaders.

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — More on School Waivers and Rental Assistance Program

At yesterday’s Board of Supervisors meeting, we received an update on COVID-19 and the school waiver process. It is of great importance that we ensure there is enough testing capacity to safely allow TK-6 schools to reopen. In order to reopen schools in an equitable fashion, I am determined to make sure that public schools have the same access to testing as private schools, which likely have more funds to contract with private testing companies. To that end, the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department is reserving two hours per day for school districts at each of our county testing sites and have determined that there is some capacity at the local state-sponsored testing sites as well. According to the graph below, our 14-day average case rate is below the state case rate and we continue to observe an overall decline. However, that does not mean we can abandon the precautions that have gotten us here. It is crucial that we continue the same hygiene practices, wearing face coverings, and limiting gathering with those not in our households so that we can continue to make progress.

A Guide to Flourishing Financially and Emotionally During Chaotic Times

If your relationship to money has become shaken in these unprecedented times, revive your prosperity pulse with “C.P.R., Core Prosperity Relief,” an inspirational transformative audio class offered in 15-minute day doses delivered direct to you September 1 through 30th. 

Hosted by Dr. James Mellon, a sought-after teacher, author and inspirational leader in the field of personal growth, the program has helped thousands of people break free from the limiting beliefs that have kept them from recognizing their wealth with purpose. 

Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Aug. 24 — COVID-19 Testing Available – No cost. No appointment needed

Surgeon General Jerome Adams shares an important message for Americans: To slow the spread of coronavirus, each of us must continue to take personal responsibility to protect ourselves and our loved ones. By doing just a few simple things, we can make a big difference.

As Labor Day approaches, in a couple of weeks, please don’t make plans to gather with others. BBQ’s and parties are a usual tradition on holiday weekends but it’s important that we fight COVID together by not gathering.

These steps are challenging and inconvenient but they can make a big difference in bringing down our numbers and saving lives.Please only gather with members of your household. Please wear masks in public places and practice social distancing.
Together we can fight COVID-19.

Guest commentary — The Latino Art Museum of Oxnard — Now is the Time

So artistically and culturally, the questions are, where, how and with whom do we go from here Oxnard? In the past 10 years the city of Oxnard has lost the Children’s Gull Museum, the Carnegie Museum, and the Acuna Art Gallery & Cultural Center. For all intent and purposes the Oxnard Performing Arts Center (PAC) is on life support and probably won’t live past this year. Where do the creative, transformative artistic souls, hearts, and minds germinate, grow and prosper in this art and cultural wasteland that is Oxnard today?

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — APCD Air Quality Warning for Santa Barbara County

The Santa Barbara County Public Health Department and the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District issued an Air Quality Warning for Santa Barbara County. Smoke from wildfires burning throughout the state, including in Monterey County, are affecting local air quality, and conditions may continue over the next several days. Due to elevated temperatures and stagnant air conditions, we are also experiencing increased ozone levels in regions of the county.

Ventura COVID-19 Update for Aug. 20 — COVID-19 Testing Available – No cost. No appointment needed

Week Day Drive Through Sites Monday through Friday 10 am to 7 pm
Moopark College, 7075 Campus Road, Moorpark
Ford Dealership, 128 S. Hallock Drive, Santa Paula
Oxnard College, 4000 S. Rose Ave., Oxnard. The site is open Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

Walk In Monday Through Friday 9 am to 6 pm
Ventura County Fairgrounds,10 W. Harbor Blvd in Ventura, Enter Gate 2.

EDC Business Alert- Important News Regarding Commercial Evictions

In the last week we have received quite a few notices from businesses asking about protections around evictions. With the new information from the State of California that evictions can begin as early as September 1st, due to the repeal of the eviction moratorium, (Unlawful Retainer) we understand that landlords may now have a sense of urgency to collect back rent.

Bilingual report — Ventura County Complete Count Committee to encourage Census participation with special Census caravan event

The Ventura County Complete Count Committee will lead a Census Caravan on Saturday, August 22. The caravan, which will have the participation of organizations and groups such as the Ventura County Mobile Library, Child Development Resources, and the US Census Bureau, will begin its route in Thousand Oaks at 9:30am and will end in Simi Valley around 3:00pm. The goal for the caravan, which will make its way through most cities in the county, is to encourage participation by residents before the Census ends on September 30.

Ventura COVID-19 Update for Aug. 19 — Sign up for VC ALERT

There are 54 new cases today (11 (20.4%) of which have a lab collection from August 12th or earlier), 626 additional people tested, and 1 additional death (65 year old male with comorbidity). Current doubling time is 85.7 days.

View today’s press conference at

EDC Business Alert- SBA Disaster Loan for Property Damage Due to Civil Unrest Application Deadline is Sept. 16

Businesses of all sizes, most private nonprofit organizations, homeowners, and renters may apply for SBA federal disaster loans to repair or replace disaster-damaged property caused by the civil unrest that began May 26, 2020.

County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Aug. 18 — Governor Declares Statewide Emergency Due to Fires, Extreme Weather Conditions

There are 43 new cases today (16 (37.2%) of which have a lab collection from August 11th or earlier), 437 additional people tested, and 1 additional death of an 88 year old male with comorbidity. Current doubling time is 88.2 days.

Governor Newsom today declared a statewide emergency to help ensure the availability of vital resources to combat fires burning across the state, which have been exacerbated by the effects of the historic West Coast heat wave and sustained high winds.

“We are deploying every resource available to keep communities safe as California battles fires across the state during these extreme conditions,” said Governor Newsom.

“California and its federal and local partners are working in lockstep to meet the challenge and remain vigilant in the face of continued dangerous weather conditions.”

August News from Peoples’ Self-Help Housing

Since we weren’t able to celebrate in person, on August 6, PSHH staff gathered for a special Company Celebration in honor of our 50th Anniversary! Thank you to everyone who has been part of our journey for the past 50 years. Join us in the celebration:

Housing Trust Fund Ventura County raises $5 million towards Prop 1 fund matching grant program

Housing Trust Fund Ventura County announced this week that it applied for California Proposition 1 matching funds from the CA Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), the agency responsible for fund disbursement. Housing Trust Fund VC has raised $5 million locally with the goal of bringing $10 million to the county for affordable housing developments through the Prop 1 matching grant program.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Conejo Valley (BGCGCV) Receives a $5,000 Grant from Farmers Insurance®

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Conejo Valley (BGCGCV) recently received a $5,000 grant from Farmers Insurance® to help fund COVID-19 relief efforts.

The grant will help provide healthy meals, high-speed internet access and academic support, vital enrichment programming to bridge gaps in virtual learning, social & emotional learning and more for vulnerable families and youth.

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — Historic Heat Wave & Energy Shortages – What You Need to Know

There is a significant warming trend and heatwave impacting California and the rest of the West Coast that will put pressure on our energy grid. In order to avoid electricity shortages, we are asking businesses and residents to reduce energy usage in order to prevent service interruptions.  

It’s especially important to limit energy usage from 3 pm to 10 pm, especially air conditioning, electric car charging and other energy intensive technology.

Sign up to receive Flex Alert notifications from your utility provider to help California conserve energy during times of grid stress. You can also check out for tips on what to do before, during, and after power loss.

Ventura County Civic Alliance — Welcome to Our Summer 2020 Livable Communities Newsletter

We are in a revolution!!  These last 6 months have been nothing short of that. This is not true for just a couple of isolated area or topics, but in general across all walks of life.  Some aspects of the revolution have been like technology, where we knew we were going to change over the next decade, but now we are changing over in a matter of months, not years.  Other aspects of the revolution were more surprising.  Could any of us have predicted the rapid and comprehensive changes in social order and public policy that are being proposed for policing and justice reform?

Food Share Partners with SoCalGas to bring the ‘Fueling Our Communities’ program to Ventura County

Food Share, Ventura County’s largest hunger-relief organization, has partnered with Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas) to bring the “Fueling Our Communities” program to Ventura County with drive-thru meal distribution events in Santa Paula and El Rio community in Oxnard. The events, which were funded in part by the utility, provided more than 26,000 free meals to individuals and families struggling with food insecurity in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

SEEAG And Growers Take Farm Day Virtual With Series of Agricultural-Focused Features

Students for Eco-Education and Agriculture (SEEAG) and local growers are creating a series of short videos highlighting agriculture in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties. In-person Farm Days tours that were to take place in September in Santa Barbara County and in November in Ventura County have been canceled due to the continuing pandemic. In their place will be “Farm Day Features,” 10-minute videos designed to give the public a behind-the-scenes look at agricultural issues facing farmers and the types of produce grown in the area.

No-Cost Healthcare for Front Line Agriculture Workers in the Age of COVID-19

While California battles the second wave of COVID-19 cases, local agriculture workers are putting themselves in harm’s way to produce product for consumers and businesses. Latinos represent the majority of California’s essential workforce and make up around 55% of the state’s confirmed COVID-19 cases to date. With their lives on the line to provide for others, these workers not only face the risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19, but many do not have health insurance should they need medical care to treat the virus.

EDC News Alert – PPE Distributed Across Local Business Community

The Economic Development Collaborative’s Small Business Development Center, the Solvang Chamber of Commerce, and the Downtown Santa Barbara Organization has proudly distributed one million units of personal protective equipment free of charge to businesses across Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties.

Thanks to the hard work of our staff and partners, we have distributed 30-day supply packages of hand sanitizer, masks, and face shields for up to 10 employees for 1,500 businesses and 17,000 employees.

Ventura Harbor Increases Sustainability and Ventures into New EV Charging Stations from SemaConnect Five new electric vehicle charging stations support EV drivers at Harbor Cove Beach and Ventura Harbor Village

The Ventura Port District has installed five new SemaConnect charging stations for Ventura Harbor visitors. The new Series 6 charging stations replace a pair of charging stations previously installed at Island Packers and are open to all plug-in EV drivers that visit the harbor.

CSUCI Associate Professor of Mathematics Selenne Bañuelos wins national award for extraordinary teaching practices

California State University Channel Islands (CSUCI) Associate Professor of Mathematics Selenne Bañuelos, Ph.D., remembers walking into her college math classes as an undergraduate and seeing no other women of color as tenure track faculty nor  Latinx women born in the U.S.

“The STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) world can be very lonely for women, especially for a woman of color,” Bañuelos said. “You can feel like you don’t fit in. At that moment, I had not met a female in academia — especially a woman with children.”

But a love for the complexity and possibilities of mathematics compelled her to keep going, and in late July, the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) awarded Bañuelos one of the top awards in the nation for a university math professor.

Key Santa Barbara County Youth Mentoring Programs Merge

The Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (CADA) and Family Service Agency (FSA) announced that FSA’s Big Brothers Big Sisters mentoring program has closed and South County mentoring matches have joined the School Based Mentoring Program at CADA as of July 2020.

CADA and FSA share similar goals of making a positive difference in the lives of young people and have been collaborating since April to facilitate a smooth transition for the youth, their parents, and their mentors.

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — ¡Viva La Fiesta…Safely!

Last week I was talking with a constituent who was worried about the mask wearing habits of tourists while walking outside. I acknowledged it is important to promote people planning on wearing a mask even as part of an outdoor excursion (such as where there are bottlenecks and the inability to keep physical distance from others) even if there are times when it is not necessary (certain types of exercise do not require a mask, especially outdoors and if there are no other people around). Then I pointed out the vented mask she had been wearing around town for the past two months does not work to protect anyone around you and has been banned in some jurisdictions, such as our County, because it only filters air coming in and not the air you breathe out.

Campus and community welcome to audition for CSUCI’s first Virtual Choir

Few can forget the Italians perched on windowsills serenading one another while quarantined with the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is with that same spirit of resilience that the CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) Chorus is inviting the campus and the community to audition for its first ever virtual chorus. 

“Our voices must sing and the song must endure and no pandemic can stop that,” said Dean Butler, CSUCI alumnus, choir member and Channel Islands Choral Association (CICA) president. “Music throughout history has been the universal expression of healing, love, hope and peace.”

County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Aug. 5

There are 76 new cases today (46 (60.5%) of which have a lab collection from July 29th or earlier), 872 additional people tested, and 2 additional deaths (68 year old female and 96 year old male, both with comorbidities).

Current doubling time is 52.3 days.

The California Department of Public Health is experiencing delays in laboratory reporting. The information for August 5 is preliminary until the data system issue is resolved. Learn more by clicking here.

Port of Hueneme Dock Talk eNews – August 2020

Port Lands $1.68M Grant for State-of-the-Art Technology
FEMA announced that the Port of Hueneme has been awarded $1.68 million in the Port Security Grant Program. Aimed to achieve the goal of a secure and resilient nation, the funding will aid the Port in modernizing their security, including improvements to the main gate entrance, and upgrading the Port’s CCTV surveillance system with cutting-edge technology. 

SBCC announces hiring of two new deans

As Santa Barbara City College prepares for the Fall 2020 semester, two well-respected employees will be assuming new roles as deans.

Paloma Arnold has been selected as the next Dean of Student Affairs. …

Elizabeth M. Imhof, Ph.D., has been chosen as the new Dean of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Aug. 4 — Community Forum on Aug. 5

On Wednesday, August 5, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., the County of Ventura will host a virtual Community Forum open to all members of the public online via Zoom to discuss the intersection of race and law enforcement in our community. The Community Forum will consist of a panel of County leaders and community representatives who will participate in a roundtable discussion, followed by questions from the public.

Click here for more information about the forum.

County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Aug. 3

Here’s your COVID-19 update from the County of Ventura from Friday-Sunday. There are 533 new cases today (231 (43.3%) of which have a lab collection from July 27th or earlier), 4,217 additional people tested, and 0 additional deaths; this includes reports from Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Current doubling time is 43.8 days.

Bilingual report — County residents asked to turn in seed shipments from China to Agricultural Commissioner’s Office

Residents across the country have been receiving unsolicited and mysterious seeds shipped from China. The seeds are arriving in small mailer envelopes labeled with descriptions such as “stud earrings”, “jewelry”, “handmade flowers”, and “wire connectors”. Since it is illegal to ship seeds unless they meet the import requirements of the United States – including proper labeling with the name of the shipper, the type of seed, and certification where required – the small packets are sent mislabeled in order to pass through Customs undetected.

Carnegie Art Cornerstones — Meet Vanessa Wallace-Gonzales

Vanessa’s story really embodies the spirit of the Carnegie Art Cornerstones mission. We aim to empower emerging artists to grow, create, and share their art. Our ability to do this in a traditional sense has been challenged, but artists like Vanessa, and the art she creates, are still incredibly important to our communities.

Cornerstones lifts emerging artists by providing them with resources, mentorship, and exposure that helps artists pursue dedicated careers – we believe this kind of work is vital to keeping art as the cornerstone of our local communities.

County of Ventura COVID-19 update for July 29

Good Evening, Here’s your COVID-19 update form the County of Ventura. There are 104 new cases today (53 (51.0%) of which have a lab collection from July 22nd or earlier), 636 additional people tested, and 2 additional deaths (86 year old female and 90 year old male, both with comorbidities).  Current doubling time is 41.2 days. Currently, the County of Ventura is on the state monitoring list for case rate per 100,000 population over 14 days and % of ICU beds available; in order for us to get off the monitoring list, we need to have less than 850 reported cases in a 14 day period which is an average of 60 cases a day. Total, there have been 73 deaths (age range 29-107 years; 45 males and 28 females; 35 Non-Hispanic White, 31 Hispanic, 4 Non-Hispanic Asian, 1 Non-Hispanic Black, 1 Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaskan Native and 1 Non-Hispanic Other). Current hospitalizations are 75 and current ICU is 25. 

EDC Business Alert — Paycheck Protection Program Deadline is Aug. 8

SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan application deadline is August 8,2020. PPP is designed to help small business, nonprofits, veteran organizations, Tribal concerns, self-employed individuals, independent contractors, and other eligible borrowers keep their workers employed during the COVID-19 crisis.