Category: Business

Bilingual report — People’s Self-Help Housing (PSHHC) — New Affordable Housing in Santa Paula: Online pre-applications available Monday, March 18 at 9 a.m.

People’s Place is a new construction development of 68 one-, two- and three-bedroom units, which will serve families and farmworker households earning 30-60% of the area median income. On-site amenities include a community building and kitchen for resident events, a multipurpose room, outdoor courtyards, BBQs, and playgrounds. All residents will have access to free, confidential supportive services.

Enrollment opens for Beginning Farmers and Ranchers program

VENTURA COUNTY — The California Bountiful Foundation, the 501(c)3 science, research and education nonprofit organization of the California Farm Bureau, will begin enrollment Feb. 21 for a new program called Expanding Our Roots: Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Mentorship Program. 

The program has a website where beginning farmers and ranchers with one to 10 years of farming and ranching experience in California may enroll for free in the mentorship program. 

Farmers and ranchers interested in serving as mentors may also sign up via the webpage. Mentors are financially compensated for providing six hours of mentoring services to beginning farmers and ranchers. 

CSUCI and the West Ventura County Business Alliance host the inaugural Women’s Business Conference 2024 on March 8

CAMARILLO — According to Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), there are 13 million U.S. businesses owned by women, representing 42% of all American businesses. And a 2024 Wells Fargo Newsroom report indicated that women-owned businesses surged at almost double the rate of men’s from 2019-2023.

Local women business owners who are a part of this nationwide sisterhood or others in the business community who support women business owners can enjoy a day of inspiration and networking from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday, March 8 on the CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) campus at the inaugural “Women’s Business Conference 2024” co-hosted by CSUCI and the West Ventura County Business Alliance (WVCBA).

Dianne Duva named managing partner at Arlington Financial Advisors

SANTA BARBARA — Certified Financial Planner Dianne Duva, a founding partner of the wealth management firm Arlington Financial Advisors in Santa Barbara, has been named the company’s new managing partner.

A graduate of The George Washington University in Washington, D.C., Duva has worked at Arlington Financial Advisors since the firm launched in 2010. She advises high-net-worth families, business owners and women in transition. She helps clients understand and manage their net worth and solve complex financial problems by offering advice in an array of areas including retirement planning, insurance planning, estate and tax planning, and investment management. She holds the Certified Financial Planner® designation.

Museum of Ventura County — Exhibit Opening This Thursday – Napoleon: Revolution, Romance, and Rivalries, more events

Explore the complex life of Napoleon Bonaparte in a new exhibition of George Stuart Historical Figures®. As a charismatic leader, military strategist, and political figure, Napoleon rose to power during the tumultuous aftermath of the French Revolution. Immerse yourself in his journey, from the forces that propelled him to prominence, his marriages, and his entwined destinies with other global leaders. Through George Stuart’s intricate creations, experience Napoleon Bonaparte’s significant impact on the course of history.

CLU — Last Chance to Register for ‘Separating Myths From Realities — Challenges Undocumented Immigrants Face and Their Economic Impact in California’ on Feb. 22

Join, explore, and participate in discussions on the social and economic challenges undocumented families face in California and their irreplaceable value for the entire state, organized by the Center for Economics of Social Issues. 

Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) free webinar schedule


February 28 @ 10:00 am

Join Women in International Trade Orange County (WITOC) and the Economic Development Collaborative Go Global Trade Program (EDC GGTP) as we partner with Krieger Worldwide for an informative webinar explaining the key provisions of the forthcoming Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022 (MoCRA) and how it establishes new requirements for the importation of cosmetics. This legislation introduces new requirements for cosmetic safety substantiation, supply chain transparency and labeling. Experts from Krieger Worldwide will provide clarity on the act’s scope, compliance timelines and strategies for company readiness.

Museum of Ventura County — Survey: Why Does History, Art, and Culture Matter to You?

We at Museum of Ventura County care deeply about making the history and art we share with you, our community, and our visitors, meaningful.

But we need your help. We want to better understand our visitors’ different needs and values so we can best serve you. Museums (like ours!) strive to encourage and expand learning while also addressing the challenges facing our society, and we need to hear your thoughts.

To do this, we are participating in a national survey of museum-goers, sponsored by the American Alliance of Museums. This survey will provide us with data from our visitors, as well as from visitors to museums nationwide, helping us be more effective in the coming months and in the communities we serve.

Ventura County Civic Alliance Livable Communities Newsletter – Feb. 15, 2024

This quarter’s Livable Communities Newsletter offers more information from the recently published State of the Region report. This data is packaged to shed light on the Ventura County Civic Alliance 3Es: the Economy, the Environment, and social Equity. Special Thanks go to Tony Biasotti for his write-ups, to David Maron for the graphics, and to Kerry Roscoe for the final assembly of the newsletter.

Bilingual commentary — Ventura County Board of Supervisors ratify declaration of local emergency for Ventura County following February storms

VENTURA — On Tuesday, February 13, the Board of Supervisors, voted to ratify the proclamation of a local emergency put forth by the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services to secure federal disaster assistance in relation to the storms that affected the county beginning on February 4. The vote to ratify occurred following the date of the proclamation since the Board of Supervisors was not in session on the date the proclamation was authored.

“The prospective funding that we would receive from FEMA is essential to our ability as a county to support residents as we perform repairs to local infrastructure that sustained major damage,” said Kelly Long, Chair of the Board of Supervisors. “We hope these funds can quickly become available to assist the County in covering the costs related to the most recent storms.”

Assemblymember Steve Bennett introduces bill targeting state’s single-use plastic consumption

SACRAMENTO — Assemblymember Steve Bennett introduced Assembly Bill (AB) 2648, which tackles California’s ambitious goals to reduce consumption of single-use plastics. Specifically, AB 2648 will phase out the purchase and sale of single-use plastic bottles by state agencies. AB 2648 does not apply to the average consumer.

“It is time that state government models the change we ask of everyone else,” said Assemblymember Bennett. “The impact of plastics is pervasive and well-documented, and makes this transition necessary. The State of California has massive purchasing power and resources to show that this change is feasible in all but the most unique situations, for California’s residents and visitors alike.”

Bilingual report — February news from People’s Self-Help Housing (PSHHC)

The 1950’s housing boom, subsidized by the federal government, paid builders on the condition that no homes be sold to African Americans.

This uncomfortable truth, which sits uneasily in our national psyche, has now been compounded by three generations. Along with the ensuing inability to accrue wealth through home ownership, and the subsequent inability to transfer that wealth to their heirs, it is the single most important factor in the wealth gap and the reason for the incessant poverty of many people of color.

During this Black History month, if you have:

Cooperative Farm Equipment Program Proposed by Assemblymember Steve Bennett (D-Ventura)

SACRAMENTO — Assemblymember Steve Bennett (D-Ventura) has introduced AB 2313 which would create a new program to increase equipment access for small and underserved growers as well as offering essential technical assistance for farmer cooperative development.  Despite the Governor’s veto of this vital legislation last year, our food and farming communities have expressed a continued and strong need for this program which will increase access to necessary farm equipment for healthy soil and on-farm conservation practices, storage, and processing. The program will also offer essential technical assistance to farmers on the development of farm cooperatives as well as the maintenance of tools and tool demonstrations. The bill is co-sponsored by the California Climate & Agriculture Network (CalCAN) and Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF).

United Way of Ventura County provides permanent homes for over 400 residents

VENTURA — United Way of Ventura County’s Landlord Engagement Program has officially provided permanent housing for over 400 people with a 97.4% retention rate. This means 434 individuals, including 74 veterans, 54 seniors, and 153 children, now have a place to call home in our Ventura County community.

Homelessness and housing challenges are continuing to rise due to limited affordable housing supply, extremely low vacancy rates, and rising rents which all elevate the critical nature of this program. UWVC’s Landlord Engagement Program (LEP) advocates for and supports those prioritized for housing vouchers and housing subsidies provided by local jurisdictions and community partners.

“In today’s competitive housing market, many people are struggling to find affordable places to live,” said Mitchel Sloan, president, and CEO of UWVC. “Our Landlord Engagement Program is helping provide a safe place to call home for our community’s most vulnerable individuals, families, seniors and veterans.”

Uplift releases report examining economic data and perspectives of Central Coast residents

 “The community played a pivotal role in creating this report as well as the 33 governance committee members who collaborated on and helped shape and inform the plan and work to date,” said Quinn Brady, Project Director of Uplift. “We are excited to share the outcomes of this collective effort.”

Bilingual report — Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) Expands Digital Upskilling Training Initiative to Santa Barbara County

GOLETA — The Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) celebrates a groundbreaking achievement as it extends its Digital Upskilling Training Program to Santa Barbara County, forging a collaborative partnership with the City of Goleta. Originating in Ventura County, EDC’s Digital Upskilling Training Program is a pioneering short-term training program expanding digital skills training opportunities. In addition to the program’s training goals, the initiative strives to create a replicable model that can be expanded statewide.

Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) free event and webinar schedule


February 28 @ 10:00 am

Join Women in International Trade Orange County (WITOC) and the Economic Development Collaborative Go Global Trade Program (EDC GGTP) as we partner with Krieger Worldwide for an informative webinar explaining the key provisions of the forthcoming Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022 (MoCRA) and how it establishes new requirements for the importation of cosmetics. This legislation introduces new requirements for cosmetic safety substantiation, supply chain transparency and labeling. Experts from Krieger Worldwide will provide clarity on the act’s scope, compliance timelines and strategies for company readiness.


Bilingual report — Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) — Honoring Black History Month

The Economic Development Collaborative would like to recognize the month of February as Black History Month. This month is dedicated to honoring and celebrating the contributions of Black Americans throughout history. During this time, and throughout the entire year, the EDC is committed to supporting Black-owned small businesses. The EDC strives to provide equitable access and inclusive services, leading to stronger economic outcomes that support businesses and our region as a whole. The following are a handful of programs that provide support for Black-owned small businesses:

UCSB — The Current — ‘Reinforcing the diverse ways people access seafood can ensure healthy communities in the face of change’ and more news, events

Understanding and bolstering existing pathways for acquiring seafood — as opposed to creating new programs and processes — can promote food system resilience in the Pacific Islands.

Women’s Fund of Santa Barbara Announces $1.125 Million Grants Pool for 2024

SANTA BARBARA — The Women’s Fund of Santa Barbara, a philanthropic organization founded 20 years ago by 12 local women, is proud to announce it will award a record-breaking grants pool of $1.125 million as part of its 20th Anniversary celebration. With this significant investment, the Women’s Fund continues improving the lives of women, children, and families in south Santa Barbara County.

Over the past two decades, the Women’s Fund has donated nearly $10.5 million to 142 local nonprofits with impactful grants up to and exceeding $100,000. “We are thrilled to mark our 20th anniversary with this amazing grants pool and applaud the 1,300 women who made it possible with their generous donations,” said Jamie Dufek, Board Chair of the Women’s Fund. “This milestone reflects our unwavering commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of those most in need.”

Bilingual report — Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) — Declared Emergency Storm Updates for February 2024 Storm and Flooding

As of February 3, 2024 Governor Gavin Newson issued a Proclamation of a State of Emergency for damages to businesses and homes in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties resulting from the Storm and Flooding that occurred February 3, 2024.

See the Disaster Proclamation for the recent February storm HERE.

Ventura County Resources

Report Damage to Homes & Businesses: Ventura County Sheriff’s Emergency Services is collecting data on damaged property following the recent storms. This information is then shared with Cal OES and FEMA to assist with qualifying Ventura County as a disaster area. You can submit a damage report through February 12 HERE.

Gov. Newsom on Winter Storms: ‘We’re Grateful to Our Thousands of First Responders’

SACRAMENTO – Today, Governor Gavin Newsom thanked first responders for their efforts over the past few weeks to help keep Californians safe during record-breaking winter storms. 

Starting in late January, Governor Newsom directed an all-of-government response to storms that have impacted nearly all residents. The response included over 8,500 boots on the ground to support communities with roadways, flood operations, rescue teams, sheltering, and more.  

State swift water rescue teams, composed of both California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services and CAL FIRE assets, made a combined 47 rescues and assisted six locally-led rescue operations. These state operations complemented the work of local governments conducting their own rescues.

Triunfo Water & Sanitation District Taking Applications To Fill Board Vacancy

WESTLAKE VILLAGE —The Triunfo Water & Sanitation District (TWSD) is accepting applications from the public to fill a board vacancy created when Director Janna Orkney resigned on January 29. The appointed director will serve for the remainder of the current term, until December 2024. The deadline for application submissions is March 9 by 5:00 p.m.

Friendship Center hosts 25th Annual Festival of Hearts Event

SANTA BARBARA — Friendship Center successfully hosted its 25th Annual Festival of Hearts. This year’s seaside-elegance themed, Silver Jubilee celebration took place on Saturday, February 3rd, 2024 at the stunning Rosewood Miramar Beach, located across the street from Friendship Center at 1759 S Jameson Lane, Montecito. 

Dr. Cynder Sinclair, Board President & David Moorman, emcee.
Special honorees included member “Sir Robert” who was featured in a video about his 6 years of coming to Friendship Center and how it improves his quality of life.  Shianne Motter spoke passionately about her family and father with dementia and how Friendship Center was a lifesaver for her as a younger caregiver. 

Cottage Health Launches New Women’s Heart Clinic

SANTA BARBARA — Cottage Health is pleased to announce the launch of the Cottage Women’s Heart Clinic, the first of its kind in Santa Barbara County. The specialty care clinic is designed to address the unique needs of women with cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular disease stands as the leading cause of death in women, responsible for one in three deaths each year, according to the American Heart Association.

Museum of Ventura County — Join Us for One of MVC’s Inspired Upcoming Itineraries!

6 Generations 200 Years Later

Saturday, February 17

1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

@Museum of Ventura County

100 E. Main St., Ventura

Join us for a screening of “6 Generations,” followed by an insightful Q&A session with Chumash elder Ernestine Ygnacio-De Soto and Professor Kristina Foss. There will also be a curated display on the 1824 Chumash Revolt, offering a glimpse into a pivotal moment in Chumash history.

Discover the untold stories, triumphs, and challenges that have shaped the shared heritage of the Chumash people. Cost: $10 non-members, free for members at Individual/Family level or higher. Includes admission to the Museum. Made possible, in part, by the Bauer Foundation. Click HERE for more information and to register.

Two California State Dignitaries Create A Big Splash During First Visit to The Port of Hueneme

PORT HUENEME — The Port of Hueneme welcomed two distinguished visitors, Dee Dee Myers, the Director of the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz), and Assemblymember Mike A. Gipson, Chair of the Select Committee on Ports and Goods Movement. The two California officials toured The Port of Hueneme’s onsite facilities and learned about its unique Hueneme Way of supporting logistics and trade through its collaboration and utilization of offsite facilities to create more job opportunities for local residents and maximize the throughput and efficiency of California bound cargo. As the only deep-water Port between Los Angeles and San Francisco, The Port of Hueneme serves as a vital link in the supply chain, handling over $15.8 billion worth of cargo annually.

Music Academy of the West in Santa Barbara announces new Chief Artistic Officer

Music Academy of the West is delighted to announce the appointment of Nate Bachhuber to the position of Chief Artistic Officer. Nate is recognized for his collaborative and strategic approach to artistic planning with prestigious performing arts organizations including the LA Phil, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, and St. Louis Symphony Orchestra. He takes up this new post on February 26, and looks forward to engaging Santa Barbara’s vibrant communities through music and, with his colleagues, expanding the Music Academy’s future artistic impact.

Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) free event and webinar schedule


February 28 @ 12:00 pm

Part 2 of the AI webinar series. Explore the real-world applications of AI. Don’t miss out on unlocking the potential of AI for your business success. Offered in partnership with EDC, WEV and SCORE. Spanish interpretation will be available.


Santa Barbara County First District Supervisor Das Williams — Evacuation Order Lifted and Help Us Assess Storm Damage

All Evacuation Orders for Santa Barbara County are CANCELED as of 12:00 PM Monday, February 5.

Several roads and trails may be inaccessible or closed throughout the county due to storm impacts. Ground saturation may cause continued rock falls, minor debris flows and landslides, and tree falls even if it is not raining.

Please refer to State Parks and County Parks for information regarding status of campgrounds.

Residents and businesses that sustained damages as a result of the storm can complete an online Storm Damage Report Form available here: Storm Damage Report Form

Guest contribution — The Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara Improves Lives and Neighborhoods

SANTA BARBARA — The Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara (HACSB) turns “low-income housing” preconceived bias on its head with beautiful architecture and stringent qualifications and rules for their tenants. 

Since 1969, the HACSB has been working to provide affordable housing to the city’s lower-income residents. These residents include seniors, veterans, disabled, those with mental health or drug and alcohol issues, or simply trying to create better lives for their families. Over the years, HACSB has helped thousands of people become housed, allowing them the space and opportunity to turn their lives around.

Gov. Newsom Proclaims State of Emergency in Southern California As Powerful Storm Makes Landfall

SACRAMENTO – Gov. Gavin Newsom (on Feb. 4)proclaimed a state of emergency for eight counties in Southern California as a series of winter storms began impacting much of the state with high winds, damaging rain and heavy snowfall. The text of the proclamation can be found here.

The proclamation covers Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties. The emergency proclamation includes provisions authorizing a California National Guard response if tasked, facilitating unemployment benefits for impacted residents, and making it easier for out-of-state contractors and utilities to repair storm damage.

Earlier today, the Governor visited the State Operations Center near Sacramento for an update on the storm and the state’s response efforts. B-roll video of the visit can be downloaded here.

Santa Barbara County First District Supervisor Das Williams — Two Storms Coming – What We Know

Rain is on the way, and now is the time to prepare.

The National Weather Service is forecasting two storms that are heading toward our area. The first will arrive tonight and last through tomorrow, February 1, and a stronger storm is likely arriving Sunday, February 4th and lasting through Wednesday, February 7th.

The first storm arriving tonight may bring moderate impacts which include flooding of roadways, creeks and areas that are prone to flooding risk during moderate storms.

California Mobilizes Ahead of Next Round of Storms, Urges Communities to Prepare

SACRAMENTO — Working proactively to keep communities safe, California is mobilizing a whole-of-government response to a series of potentially dangerous incoming storms.

Beginning Tuesday evening, a series of storms will hit the state for the next 10 days and is expected to bring significant rain, high winds, deep snow as well as potential flash flooding and power outages.

At the direction of Governor Gavin Newsom, the State Operations Center in Mather is being activated to coordinate a unified response to these storms across state, local and federal agencies.

Conference Explores Challenges and Economic Impact of Undocumented Immigrants in California

THOUSAND OAKS — Undocumented immigrants contribute more than $151 billion to California’s economy, according to the 2023 study “Demographic Profile and Economic Impact of Undocumented Immigrants in California: Separating Myths from Realities” by Jamshid Damooei, Ph.D., of California Lutheran University School of Management’s Center for Economics of Social Issues (CESI). To discuss and explore the findings, Cal Lutheran is holding the timely conference, “Separating Myths from Realities: Challenges Undocumented Immigrants Face and Their Economic Impact in California.” The conference will be held from 8 a.m. – noon on Feb. 22 in the Lundring Events Center on the Cal Lutheran campus.

February @ SPAM: Art & Aperitifs, Secrets of the Impressionists and More!

Art & Aperitifs: “Art About Agriculture”

Saturday, February 10, 2024 • 4 PM to 6 PM

$35 per person

Elevate your taste in art and beverages during Art & Aperitifs, an all-new event at the Santa Paula Art Museum! Experience a new appreciation for the Museum’s current “Art About Agriculture” exhibition while sampling locally grown and made aperitifs, including wine and cider by Santa Paula Cellars and Anna’s Cider. Enjoy live music by homegrown Santa Paula musician Shay Moulder, and a live painting demonstration by “Art About Ag” featured artist Gabriel Islas.

Advance ticket purchase is required and space is limited. (Please note, this event is for 21-and-overs only.)


People’s Self-Help Housing Celebrates Grand Opening of New Affordable Housing in San Luis Obispo

SAN LUIS OBISPO —  People’s Self-Help Housing (PSHH) has opened its newest affordable housing development: Broad Street Place.  

Located at 3720 Broad Street in San Luis Obispo, this new construction development is comprised of 40 units with three commercial spaces available. Residents have access to a community center, shared kitchen, barbeque space, outdoor patios, laundry facilities, bike storage, playground, electric vehicle charging stations, on-site property management, free internet, and supportive services. Some units provide ADA-certified accessibility for those with mobility, hearing, and vision limitations.  

“This is a very collaborative project. While we can do a lot on our own, we do so much more when we work together.” said Ken Trigueiro, CEO & President. “It’s really fun to celebrate this moment.” 

3C-REN Celebrates Successful 2023 with over $800,000 in Energy-Saving Incentives Serving over 500 Homes in the Tri-County Region

CENTRAL COAST — Throughout 2023, 3C-REN (Tri-County Regional Energy Network), a partnership between the Counties of San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura, served more than 500 homes in the region with energy-saving projects, representing a local investment of over $800,000 via incentives paid out to projects. 3C-REN also upskilled hundreds of local workers and supported design and trade professionals adjusting to new, more efficient building codes.

“We are very proud of the work we accomplished and the energy-saving projects we completed in 2023 as we move our region closer to meeting local and state climate goals,” said Marisa Hanson-Lopez, 3C-REN Multifamily Program Manager. “As we continue to provide new opportunities to save money and energy, we encourage residents and businesses to get in touch when replacing furnaces, air conditioners, water heaters, windows and more. 3C-REN incentives for these systems can lower energy bills while creating healthier, more comfortable homes that are better for the planet. We know it can be confusing, but we can help!”

Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) — Emergency Preparedness Guide for Small Businesses and Nonprofits

The Economic Development Collaborative is proud to support Pacific Coast Business Times’ Emergency Preparedness guide. The guide is designed to help small businesses and nonprofit organizations prepare for natural disasters and be aware of recovery options. 

If disaster strikes, is your business prepared? View the report HERE.

UCSB — The Current — ‘Extreme drought hits grasslands and shrublands harder than anticipated’ and more news, events

A global experiment covering 100 sites, undertaken to generate a baseline understanding of the potential losses of plant productivity in these vital ecosystems, quantifies the impacts of extreme drought across six continents.

Bilingual report — Ventura County Board of Supervisors approve adoption of Disability Access Strategic Plan

VENTURA — Through unanimous vote during the regular meeting on Tuesday, January 23, the Ventura County Board of Supervisors approved the adoption of a 2024-2027 County Disability Access Strategic Plan. The plan outlines key goals that advocate for increased transportation options, ensuring digital accessibility, enhancing physical access to facilities, prioritizing community relationships, education, and emergency preparedness. The plan is the first of its kind for the County of Ventura and represents a comprehensive and forward-thinking approach to fostering a more inclusive and accessible community.

“This strategic plan will provide a strong foundation for the County’s work in disability access,” stated Supervisor Kelly Long, Chair of the Board of Supervisors. “I appreciate the internal and external focus on expanding disability access within our local community and finding new and innovative ways to partner with the community.”

Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) free event and webinar schedule


January 31 @ 1:00 pm

Did you know that 1 out of 7 franchises is owned by a Veteran? Franchises appreciate the mindset and skills that military professionals possess and in appreciation, reward them with discounts and incentives if they are awarded a franchise. There are many misconceptions surrounding franchises and how a successful placement works. Also, with thousands of brands across nearly 100 categories, how would one really know which one is right for them? If a franchise is something you are thinking about for now, or someday this webinar is for you.


805 CoWorking Collective launches to offer flexible workspaces from Westlake to Santa Barbara

SANTA BARBARA — Remote and hybrid workers traveling in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties can now access flexible office spaces at multiple points along U.S. Route 101 under the newly launched 805 CoWorking Collective.

Comprised of four coworking spaces on the Central Coast, the Collective spans almost 60 miles from Westlake to Santa Barbara. Member spaces are Workzones in Santa Barbara, Coastal Coworking in Ventura, Collab District in Camarillo, and Hub101 in Westlake Village.

All of the spaces offer drop-in day passes to members and non-members alike. Travelers who are members of any one space within the 805 CoWorking Collective will receive discounted day passes when they visit the other flex spaces. Non-members pay standard rates.

“With so many people working from home or in a hybrid work model, being able to access a professional space for a few hours or a day while traveling is far superior to working out of a coffee shop,” said Pam Tanase, the Collective’s organizer and Workzones cofounder. “The 805 CoWorking Collective has been created to give people more options when they travel along the 101 to support their flexible workspace needs.”

Triunfo Water & Sanitation District 2023 Year in Review

WESTLAKE VILLAGE — The welcomed rainfall in 2023 shored up Triunfo Water & Sanitation District’s supply and put the district on a solid foundation for 2024.

60th Anniversary

The rainy weather helped celebrate TWSD’s 60th anniversary in 2023. The rain prompted TWSD to rescind its Stage 1 Water Shortage restrictions implemented because of the drought, although permanent water restrictions remain in place.

“Last year’s storm events brought a very different picture to our ongoing drought status,” says Jane Nye, TWSD 2023 board chair. “Unprecedented winter storms replenished water supplies throughout the state, and we hope that this year will deliver the same.”

Ventura County Animal Services — We did it! 205 beds donated in 36 hours thanks to you!

WE DID IT!  Thanks to you!  205 dog beds were donated in just 36 HOURS by shelter supporters in the community!  The folks at Kuranda said, “We’ve NEVER seen a donation drive this big go this fast!”  They asked how we did it, and we told them we have a close-knit community of animal lovers who know us, trust us, and believe in our lifesaving mission!  That’s how we did it!

Thank you to ALL who donated to this Donation Bed Drive!  Will be having a Build-A-Bed event on Saturday, February 3rd, 2024.  Stay tuned for event details.

Jalama Beach in Lompoc: California’s Best-Kept Secret For Sun And Surf

LOMPOC — Situated on California’s gorgeous central coast, Lompoc’s Jalama Beach is waiting to be discovered. With its wild beauty, rugged charm, and off-the-beaten-path location, this beach offers an authentic California experience unlike any other. Join us on a journey as we explore the allure of Jalama Beach and why it’s perfect for your next beach adventure.

Bilingual report — Donald Aguilar Appointed Santa Paula Chief of Police

SANTA PAULA — The City of Santa Paula is pleased to announce the appointment of Donald Aguilar as the City’s permanent Chief of Police. With an illustrious, nearly four-decade career in law enforcement and a proven track record of leadership in Santa Paula, Chief Aguilar brings a unique combination of local knowledge and experience to the Santa Paula community.

“Chief Aguilar has provided stability and effective leadership to the Santa Paula Police Department and has earned the respect and support of our community during his term as our Interim Chief,” said Mayor Leslie Cornejo. “His vision for public safety aligns seamlessly with our core values as a City. I am confident that under Chief Aguilar’s leadership, we will continue to build on the progress we’ve been making to strengthen our Police Department.”

Bilingual report — Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) releases 2023 Community Impact Report

We are delighted to present our 2023 Community Impact Report with the theme “Connecting Communities: Partnering for Progress.” Our extensive partnerships, spanning multiple counties and sectors, involve a diverse range of public and private stakeholders at local, state and federal levels. This inclusivity informs our ability to construct an economy fostering broadly shared prosperity. At the Economic Development Collaborative, collaboration defines our purpose, enhancing our impact and outcomes. As we enter 2024, we anticipate continuing our mission, building upon existing alliances and forging connections with new partners.

MVC Adds Three New Members to its Esteemed Board of Directors

VENTURA COUNTY — The Museum of Ventura County is pleased to announce the appointment of three distinguished individuals to its Board of Directors, each bringing a wealth of experience and expertise to contribute to the cultural enrichment and growth of the Museum and our county.

Camarillo broker installed as Realtor association president

CAMARILLO — Camarillo resident Cami Pinsak was recently installed as the 2024 president of the Ventura County Coastal Association of Realtors. Pinsak is the broker-owner of Realty ONE Group Summit, which has offices in Camarillo and Ventura, and has been a Realtor for nearly 18 years.

A Camarillo resident since 1999, Pinsak has been part of the VCCAR leadership team since 2017 when she was first elected to the association’s Board of Directors. She has also served as VCCAR’s treasurer, first vice president and president-elect. She is also a director for the statewide California Association of Realtors and was named VCCAR’s Broker/Manager of the Year Award in 2016.

Explore Lompoc Announces 2024 Events & Festivals

LOMPOC —  Dive into the New Year in Lompoc! From now until December 31, 2024, we have a calendar brimming with fun events. Throughout the year, immerse yourself in the small town charm of Lompoc while you indulge in local cuisine, explore vibrant flower fields, discover history and art, find unique festivals and more. Whether you’re exploring the craft of winemaking or taking a step back into history, the Lompoc Valley has it all.

Here’s a sneak peek into some of the standout Lompoc events of 2024. Check our event calendar for all events and the most current information.

Celina Zacarias Elected as 1st Latina Woman to Serve as President of the Oxnard Harbor District, 2024-2025

PORT HUENEME — On January 16, 2024, the Oxnard Harbor District elected Celina Zacarias as the President of the Board of Harbor Commissioners. Zacarias will be the first Latina woman to hold this top post and brings a unique perspective of community engagement, workforce development, and education with her extensive experience serving as Executive Director of Community & Government Relations at California State University Channel Islands (CSUCI).

“It is truly an honor to serve as the President of the Oxnard Harbor District Board of Harbor Commissioners,” said Commissioner Zacarias. “From the beginning of my time as a commissioner, it has been and continues to be my commitment and the commitment of my fellow Commissioners to strengthen our community through educational and workforce opportunities both now and in the future. I will continue the Port’s mission to support our customers, provide impactful community outreach, and serve as an economic force in Ventura County.”

Ventura County Animal Services — Donate a Dog Bed to VCAS

Every few years Ventura County Animal Services holds a Dog Bed Donation Drive to replace kennel beds that have become damaged due to the wear and tear of thousands of animals.  We need 205 beds to replace all beds at the Camarillo and Simi Valley Shelter.  Will you donate a dog bed?

Visit to donate a bed directly to the shelter.  On this page you will find the exact type of bed our dogs need, and you’ll see how many beds have already been purchased. Beds are automatically shipped to the Camarillo Shelter.  Feel free to leave an “In Memory of” or “In Honor of” message when checking out.  Thank you so much for your support!

Bilingual report — Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) — 411 Labor Market Report

The California Labor Market Information Division has released its December 2023 report, showing little change for Ventura County in net industry employment—up by only 100 jobs, November to December, and no change to the unemployment rate, at 4.7%. That rate puts Ventura County ahead of the state as a whole, which is at 5.1% unadjusted, though trailing the U.S. average at 3.5%.

There are a couple of indicators that especially disappoint this month, specifically, the total Labor Force and the total number of employed workers. The total labor force is down, month-over-month, by 2,300, to 417,400. That’s 6,400 fewer workers in the total labor force since prior to the pandemic. More concerning is the decline by 11,200 employed workers over the same time.

Bilingual report — January News from People’s Self-Help Housing (PSHHC)

In California, 2023 saw the passage of a number of pieces of legislation to ease the production and delivery of affordable housing to our region. One such success, was SB4 which now provides a streamlined process for religious organizations and nonprofit colleges to develop affordable housing on their property. People’s Self-Help Housing is now one of the first developers to evaluate the application of this new law in our partnership with College United Methodist Church in Ventura. Part of the streamlining afforded by SB4 includes the ability to streamline the  CEQA process when land is to be developed for affordable housing.

DignityMoves in Santa Barbara receives $100,000 grant from the James M. Cox Foundation

SANTA BARBARA — DignityMoves’s Santa Barbara Capital Campaign has been awarded a $100,000 grant from the James M. Cox Foundation. The Foundation is the charitable arm of Cox Enterprises, parent company of Cox Communications, and named after the company’s founder. The funds will support a housing community called “La Posada Village,” with the goal of reducing homelessness in Santa Barbara County.

“DignityMoves is honored to be the recipient of a James M. Cox Foundation grant. We are incredibly grateful for this type of community support. Without partners like Cox, we cannot help as many people as we do,” said Jack Lorenz, Regional Advancement Director for DignityMoves.

Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) free event and webinar schedule


January 24 @ 12:00 pm

Explore the real-world applications of AI. Don’t miss out on unlocking the potential of AI for your business success. Offered in partnership with EDC, WEV and SCORE. Spanish interpretation will be available.



24 de enero a las 12:00 pm

Explora las aplicaciones de la IA en el mundo real. No te pierdas la oportunidad de desbloquear el potencial de la IA para el éxito de tu negocio. Ofrecido en asociación con EDC, WEV y SCORE. Habrá interpretación al español.


Santa Barbara County First District Supervisor Das Williams — Mapping our Justice and Mental Healthcare System

This coming Tuesday at the Board of Supervisors we will discuss a report showing that our County has a higher-than-average jail incarceration rate compared to the rest of California, and hear an update on efforts to better manage the population of the jail. The most basic service in government is public safety, but it does not make us safe when some people are ending up in jail, or coming back to it, because of a lack of mental health services. We have a moral imperative to improve the situation. But we also have a financial need as well.

Oxnard Harbor District Commissioners name Celina L. Zacarias to serve as new president

PORT HUENEME — On January 16, 2024, the Port of Hueneme welcomed new leadership as the Board of the Oxnard Harbor District voted Celina L. Zacarias to serve as President for 2024.

“It is truly an honor to serve as the President of the Oxnard Harbor District Board of Harbor Commissioners,” said Commissioner Zacarias. “From the beginning of my time as a commissioner, it has been and continues to be my commitment and the commitment of my fellow Commissioners to strengthen our community through educational and workforce opportunities both now and in the future. I will continue the Port’s mission to support our customers, provide impactful community outreach, and serve as an economic force in Ventura County.”

Bilingual report — The latest news from the County of Ventura

Volunteers Needed: Point In Time Homeless Count
The Ventura County Continuum of Care needs volunteers for the upcoming Point In Time Homeless count on January 24th! The count serves as a crucial tool for understanding the extent and nature of homelessness within the region while securing critical federal funding.

Conducted annually, this count provides a snapshot of the homeless population on a specific day (January 24th), aiding policy makers, service providers, and advocates in assessing the effectiveness of current interventions and shaping future strategies. The data collected helps identify trends, allocate resources more effectively, and measure progress towards addressing homelessness in Ventura County.

Sign up to volunteer by scanning the QR code or by visiting this website:

Museum of Ventura County Gratefully Acknowledges Community Support and Announces Changes in Admission Policy

VENTURA COUNTY — The Museum of Ventura County extends heartfelt gratitude to our vibrant community for its unwavering generosity, allowing us to offer free admission throughout 2023. As we look ahead to the new year, the Museum of Ventura County, Downtown Ventura location, will undergo a transition in its admission policy beginning February 1, 2024. The grant that has sustained free admission will conclude, necessitating a shift to a sustainable funding model.

Starting February 1, 2024, the Museum of Ventura County, Downtown Ventura, will implement the following admission fees:

Agromin Receives $10 Million Grant From CalRecycle To Turn Food Waste And Yard Waste Into Compost

OXNARD — Agromin, California’s largest organic waste recycler, received a $10 million grant from CalRecycle’s Organics Grant Program to help communities turn more of their food waste and yard waste into compost.

CalRecycle’s Organics Grant Program is a statewide effort to expand and build new organic recycling facilities, allowing more waste to be recycled instead of ending up in landfills where it emits greenhouse gases.

“The grant funds will help Agromin move forward on expanding our composting facility at Limoneira Ranch in Santa Paula,” says Bill Camarillo, Agromin CEO. “We’re currently processing over one million tons of organic waste a year. Once the expansion is complete, we’ll be able to boost that amount to almost 300,000.”