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	<title>Annual Military Equipment Report &#8211; Amigos805.com</title>
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	<description>Information for and about the vibrant Latino community in Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties 805 region</description>
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		<title>Aug. 13 — Bilingual report — Ventura Police host community presentation on military equipment use</title>
		<dc:creator><![CDATA[Community Contributor]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 2024 13:47:12 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[En español]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Annual Military Equipment Report]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Ventura Police Department]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://amigos805.com/?p=79686</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[“We recognize the value of keeping communication open and want to reaffirm our commitment to transparency, accountability, and professionalism by providing this information to our community,” said Chief Darin Schindler. “Our goal is to ensure residents are well-informed about how these resources are utilized to protect public safety.”<p class="more-link-p"><a class="more-link" href="https://amigos805.com/aug-13-bilingual-report-ventura-police-host-community-presentation-on-military-equipment-use/">Read more &#8594;</a></p>]]></description>
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<td class="text_content-cell content-padding-horizontal" align="left" valign="top"><strong><a href="https://www.cityofventura.ca.gov/2267/Police" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" class="alignright wp-image-78161" src="http://amigos805.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/2024-City-of-Ventura-Police-Dept.png" alt="" width="350" height="150" srcset="https://amigos805.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/2024-City-of-Ventura-Police-Dept.png 650w, https://amigos805.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/2024-City-of-Ventura-Police-Dept-300x128.png 300w, https://amigos805.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/2024-City-of-Ventura-Police-Dept-560x240.png 560w, https://amigos805.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/2024-City-of-Ventura-Police-Dept-260x111.png 260w, https://amigos805.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/2024-City-of-Ventura-Police-Dept-160x68.png 160w" sizes="(max-width: 350px) 100vw, 350px" /></a>VENTURA</strong> — The Ventura Police Department invites community members to attend a presentation on the Annual Military Equipment Report. This meeting will occur virtually on Tuesday, August 13 at 3:00 p.m. on Zoom. To register, please visit <a href="https://7lthzucab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001hbp5FF5fF3dtf8o7tYsz6VC2iJ6N5lQ3hcP8wdQ4vtUa0hYVe0XJSTwdOBq9ibTwCmmkWtNhk_gZt5jpETdQg5_DP2jEBFlNS0lHuU_W-ANyMW7ZIb_HNm3EjT9Pma0jWRyjuruS61S0Rplg6__RxS_znGJwS7dVGrYEumKPELJBiU8tTyWaVfZ_LY1eUQk5&amp;c=9puj8AV9sRP5-TGlVeYWUlSh5XeVdCYp2rv7jWebCpC_ebfjQDbeVA==&amp;ch=hW59eAZfG4CFRxd8N_yIxziVAc05RCuC6HQ0xc3hcERQo5g41lyapQ==" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">CityofVentura.ca.gov/Transparency.</a></p>
<p>The presentation will provide an overview of the report, focusing on the specific equipment acquired and its utilization. Department staff will also discuss the policies and procedures that govern the use of military equipment in Ventura, encouraging a dialogue about these valuable community safety tools.</p>
<p>“We recognize the value of keeping communication open and want to reaffirm our commitment to transparency, accountability, and professionalism by providing this information to our community,” said Chief Darin Schindler. “Our goal is to ensure residents are well-informed about how these resources are utilized to protect public safety.”</p>
<p>The term “military equipment” does not necessarily indicate equipment used by the military. It encompasses a variety of tools, including unmanned aerial or ground vehicles, armored vehicles, command and control vehicles, less lethal 40mm projectile launchers, noise flash diversionary devices, and various forms of ammunition.</p>
<p>The equipment used by the Ventura Police Department is common among law enforcement agencies nationwide, enhancing the safety of both residents and officers and helping to resolve incidents that might otherwise necessitate lethal force.</p>
<p>On July 16, 2024, the Ventura City Council received the Annual Military Equipment Report and approved the continued use of the specified equipment.</p>
<p>For questions, please contact Commander Matt Cain at <a href="mailto:mcain@cityofventura.ca.gov" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">mcain@cityofventura.ca.gov</a> or call 805-339-4488.</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">***</p>
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<p><strong>La Polici?a de Ventura organiza una presentacio?n comunitaria sobre el uso de equipo militar</strong></p>
<p><strong>VENTURA</strong> &#8211; &#8211; El Departamento de Polici?a de Ventura invita a los miembros de la comunidad a asistir a una presentacio?n sobre el Informe anual de equipo militar. Esta reunio?n se llevara? a cabo de manera virtual el martes 13 de agosto a las 3:00 p. m. a trave?s de Zoom. Para registrarse, visite CityofVentura.ca.gov/Transparency.</p>
<p>La presentacio?n brindara? una descripcio?n general del informe, centra?ndose especi?ficamente en el equipo adquirido y su utilizacio?n. El personal del departamento tambie?n hablara? de las poli?ticas y los proced- imientos que rigen el uso de equipo militar en Ventura, fomentando un dia?logo sobre estas valiosas her- ramientas de seguridad comunitaria.</p>
<p>“Reconocemos el valor de mantener abierta la comunicacio?n y queremos reafirmar nuestro compromiso con la transparencia, la responsabilidad y el profesionalismo al brindar esta informacio?n a nuestra comu- nidad”, dijo el jefe Darin Schindler. “Nuestro objetivo es asegurarnos de que los residentes este?n bien informados sobre co?mo se utilizan estos recursos para proteger la seguridad pu?blica”.</p>
<p>El te?rmino “equipo militar” no necesariamente indica que el equipo sea utilizado por los militares. Abarca una variedad de herramientas, incluidos vehi?culos ae?reos o terrestres no tripulados, vehi?culos blindados, vehi?culos de comando y control, lanzadores de proyectiles menos letales de 40 mm, dispositivos de dis- traccio?n de ruido y varias formas de municio?n.</p>
<p>El equipo utilizado por el Departamento de Polici?a de Ventura es comu?n entre las agencias de seguridad pu?blica en todo el pai?s, lo que mejora la seguridad tanto de los residentes como de los oficiales y ayuda a resolver incidentes que de otro modo podri?an requerir fuerza letal.</p>
<p>El 16 de julio del 2024, el Ayuntamiento de Ventura recibio? el Informe Anual de Equipo Militar y aprobo? el uso continuo del equipo especificado.</p>
<p>Si tiene preguntas, comuni?quese con el comandante Matt Cain a <a href="mailto:mcain@cityofventura.ca.gov" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">mcain@cityofventura.ca.gov</a> o llame al <span style="font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; letter-spacing: 0.05em;">805-339-4488.</span></p>