Museum of Ventura County — Ivor Davis speaks at the Museum this Friday!

Join us at the Museum of Ventura County this Friday, July 26, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. for a book talk and signing with Ivor Davis. Admission is $5 for Museum members, $10 for nonmembers. Ivor Davis will be discussing his latest book, Manson Exposed: A Reporter’s 50-Year Journey into Madness and Murder. Pre-Purchase your tickets now! The book will available for purchase and signature the night of the event for $19.95.
The notorious Manson Murders paralyzed Hollywood and most of America in August 1969. However, few at the time of the grisly discoveries had heard of Manson, his family/gang of demented followers, and none believed they were involved. Fingers were pointed at many Hollywood A-listers, but none at the unkempt tramps living in squalor in surrounding L.A. County.
“The Beatles and their songs like “Helter Skelter” were NOT to blame,” says award-winning author Ivor Davis.“In August l969,” said Davis, “Manson and his gang murdered pregnant actress Sharon Tate and six others. The DA claimed—and the jury believed—that the motive for the killings was to trigger a race war in America. Manson’s brainwashed, drug-addled followers really believed his outlandish preaching: That a bloody, racial revolution was imminent. Manson claimed those warnings came in the lyrics in songs like Helter Skelter, Piggies and Revolution –contained in the Beatles bestselling “White Album.” Discover what Ivor Davis considers to be, “the much more personal and strangely more sad truth to the mania of Manson that ruined so many lives”.
‘I was there’: In new book, Ventura resident Ivor Davis shares memories of Charles Manson
By Jeremy Childs, Ventura County Star
Many who were alive 50 years ago can recall learning about the Manson murders.
Few, however, can claim they visited the Sharon Tate house the morning after her death, or spent a weekend with the “Manson family” on Spahn Ranch or were in the courtroom as Charles Manson himself stood trial.
Those experiences and more are recounted in a new book by Ventura resident Ivor Davis, who worked as a newspaper reporter covering the Manson murders and subsequent court cases. Titled “Manson Exposed: A Reporter’s 50-Year Journey Into Madness and Murder,”the book is part memoir, part historical deep dive into the Manson saga. Continue reading!